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ORDINANCE . NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE REGTaATING AND LICENSING. <br />SKATING RINKS AND PROVIDING A PENALTY <br />FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF. <br />Section 1. Be it ordained by the Common Council of <br />the.City of South Bend, Indiana, that it shall be unlawful for <br />any pers n, firm, or corporation to operate, keep,.or maintain <br />a4,s ating rink for the use of which any fee is charged., either <br />directly or indirectly, without first having obtained and re- <br />ceived a license :f or, : "the same from the City Controller. <br />Section 2. Any person, firm r c <br />or Ggrporation desir- <br />ing to operate, keep, or maintain any�skating rink as above <br />described, shall make application to the City Controller 'for, <br />a license upon blanks to be furnished by the ,City Controller, <br />and shall set forth in said application the exact name of the l <br />person,,persons, or corporation desiring to operate, ;;keep, or <br />-maintain.such ,skating rink., and a general description of the <br />room where such�s acing rink is to be operated., kept, <br />or maintained,.and shj�ll a company such application with a <br />/otco <br />- license fee of �i�'e ( � Dollars. Upon presenting such <br />application and fee., the City Contr�olllleer� shall issue a license <br />to operate, keep,.and maintain theos' kating rink described <br />therein for a period of one (1) year from the date of issuance, <br />which license may be.renewed annually by the payment of a like <br />fee %.�� Such license shall not be transferable and only one such <br />s' kating rink' -may be operated, kept, or maintained under any - <br />single license. Applicants shall at all times be subject to " <br />the ordinances of the City and to the laws of the State. <br />Section .3. Such license may be revoked; after hear - <br />ing by the mayor of said city upon satisfactory evidence that <br />Page,.ne. <br />