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gee. 9 PARKING BICYCLES. Bicycles shall not at any time in any place be ir�di- <br />Ar rifnateQ parked by anyone along buildings, or in such a manner as to interfere <br />with pedestrian traffic or persons getting in or out of automobiles, If in any <br />business or commercial district or area, or adjacent to any public buildings or in- <br />stitutions, official parking zones or spaces are designated, then it shall be un- <br />lawful to park bicycles in any such district or areas, except in such officially <br />designated parking zones, <br />Sec. 10. INTERFERING eIITH PARKED BICYCLES. Be person shall move or in any manner <br />interfere with any bicycle which is properly parked as required by this article, nor <br />shall any person interfere or in any manner hinder any person from parking a bicycle <br />in the manner provided in this article, except that members of the Police Department <br />of"Pire Department .may move or in proper cases prevent the parking of any bicycle <br />in the manner herein provided when in the judgment of such policeman or fireman such <br />action is necessary in order to properly safeguard persons or property. <br />ARTICLE IV <br />Sec. 1 AUTHORITY TO REVOKE OR SUSPEND LICENSES W I.POUND BICYCLES. <br />17henever any bicycle shall be operated by any minor under the age of 16 years in <br />violation of any of the provisions of article III of this Ordinance, or for the vi- <br />olation of any of the Indiana State Vehicle and Traffic Laws, or the Traffic Ordi- <br />nances of the City of South Bend, as they relate to street traffic insofar as the <br />same are applicable, such bicycle may be seized by any member of the Police Depart - <br />went and impounded. Such bicycle so impounded shall be surrendered to the parent <br />or guardian of such minor without charge after a full explanation to such parent or <br />guardian of the reason for the impounding of such bicycle. The City Controller is <br />hereby empowered to suspend or revoke for not more than six months the license of <br />such impounded bicycle issued under the provisions of this Ordinance. A complete <br />,word of each such impounding and suspension, or revocation of license shall be <br />kept in the office of the City Controller, a copy of same to be forwarded to the <br />Police Department. In the event any minor under the ago of 16 while riding on any <br />registered bicycle other than his own, shall violate any provisions of this Ordinan- <br />M as above designatod, or any provisions of the Traffic Ordinances of this City, <br />>r the State of Indiana, applicable to the operation of iho bicycle, then in that <br />:vent the owner of such bicycle shall be held responsible for the illegal operation <br />>f same, and the license and registration of such bicycle shall be subject to revo- <br />ation as herein provided. <br />Sec. 2 PENALTY. Any person violating any provision of this Act shall be fined <br />any sum not exceeding 025.00, or by having his license revoked as herein provided <br />r both such fine and revocation of license. <br />Sec. 3. SAVING CLAUSE. If any section, provision or clause of this Ordinance <br />Mall be declared invalid, the provisions of the Ordinance not otherwise invalid <br />_ g _ <br />