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TILINSFER OF LICENSES. <br />Sec. 9. IPiDIVIDUAIS. It shall be the duty of every porson who sells or trans- <br />fors oemership of ang, bicycle to report such sale or transfer within ten days <br />thereafter by returning to the City Controller- the license plate issued to such <br />person as licensee thereof, together with the name and address of the person to <br />whom said bicycle was sold or transferred. It shall be the duty of the purchaser <br />or transforec of such bicycle to apply for a -transfer of registration: thereof and <br />a new bicycle license within ton days of said sale or transfer. <br />Sec. 10. DEaLl'S. ;.11 persons engaged in the business of buying second -hand <br />bicycles arc hereby required to make a•woekly report to the Chief of Police giving <br />the name and address of the person from whom each bicycle is purchased, the do- <br />scription of each bicycle purchased, the frcmc nunbor thereof, and the number of <br />the metallic license plate found thcrcon, if any. All persons cngagod in the <br />business of selling now a d second -hand bicycles arc hereby required to make a <br />meekly report to the Chief of Police, giving a. list of all sales made by such <br />dealers, which list shall include the name and address of each person to vihorm sold, <br />the kind of bicycle sold, together -with a doscription and framc number thereof, <br />and the number of the metallic license Plato attached thereto, if any. <br />RENT.iL AGEPCIES. <br />Sec. 11. SUPERVISION. It shall be tho duty of the Chief of Police to make ocr- <br />iodic inspections of bicycles offered for rental by all persons engaged in the bus- <br />iness of renting bicycles to the public; and all persons so engaged in the busi- <br />ness of renting bicycles shall be responsible for the condition of all bicycles <br />offered for rental by thorm, and also shall be respor_siblo for equipping said bi- <br />cycles with proper lights and other safety equipment as required by lair. Rental <br />agencies shall conform in all respects with all of tho provisions of this Ordi� <br />nance. <br />Sec. 12. IIIPOUTMING OF BICYCLES. If any bicycle is found upon any public street, <br />highway, or alley of the City without a license plate, or with a rmutilated frame <br />number, it shall be _;r`Vno, folc evidence that said bicycle is being operated on <br />the streets and highways of the City vrithout having been registered. Said bicycle <br />shall be irmediately impounded by any member of the police department and shall <br />only be surrendered to the ouner thereof upon proof of ovmership satisfactory to <br />the Chief of Police, payment of the license registration fee herein provided and <br />of payment of the fees hereinafter provided. <br />- 4 - <br />