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SECTICN 4o Labeling and pladardjng. - All bottles, cans, <br />packaj.,;es, and other containers enclosing milk or any milk product <br />defined in this ordinance shall be plainly labeled or marked with <br />(1) the name of the contents as given in the definitions in this <br />ordinance; (2) the grade of the contents; (3) the word "pasteurized" <br />only if the contents have been pasteurized; (4) the word "raw" only <br />if the contents are raw; (5) the phrase ".for pasteurization" if the <br />contents are to be pasteurized; (6) the name of the producer if the <br />contents are raw, and the name of the plant at which the contents <br />were pasteurized, if the contents are pasteurized; and (7) in the <br />case of vitamin D milk, the designation "Vitamin D FHilk" and the <br />source of the vitamin D. The label or mark shall be in letters of a <br />size, kind, and color approved by the health officer and shall con - <br />tain no marks or words which are misleading. <br />Every restaurant, cafe, soda fountain, or other establishment <br />serving milk or milk products shall display at all times, in a place <br />designated by the health officer, a notice approved by the health <br />officer, stating tre lowest grade of milk and /or milk products <br />served. <br />SECTION 5. Inspection of dairy farms and milk plants for the <br />2u pose of grading or regradi - At leant once during each grading <br />period the health officer shall inspect all dairy farms and all milk <br />plants whose milk or milk products are intended for consumption <br />within the City of South Bend, or its police jurisdiction. In case <br />the health officer discovers the violation of any item of sanitation, <br />he shall make a second inspection after a lapse of such time as he <br />deems necessary for the defect to be remodied, but not before the <br />lapse of 3 days; and the second inspection shall be used in determin- <br />ing the grade of milk and /or milk products. Any violation of the <br />same item of this ordinance on two consecutive inspections shall call <br />for izmmdiate degrading. <br />One copy of the inspection report shall be posted by the health <br />officer in a conspicuous place upon an inside wall of one of the <br />dairy farm or milk plant buildings, and said inspection report shall <br />not be defaced or removed by any person except the health officer. <br />Another copy of the inspection report shall be filed with the <br />records of the health department. <br />- 5 - <br />