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9 <br />direct microscopic count, reduction time, or cooling temperature. <br />the health officer shall take further samples of the applicant's <br />output, at a rate of not more than two samples per week. The health <br />officer shall regrade the milk or milk products upws.rd whenever the <br />average of the last four sample results indicates the necessary <br />quality, but not before the lapse of 2 weeks from the date of de- <br />grading. <br />-In case the lowered grade of the applicant's product is due to <br />a violation of an item of tho specifications prescribed in Section <br />7, other than average bacterial plate count, direct microscopic <br />count, reduction time, or cooling temperature, the said application <br />must be accompanied by a statement signed by the applicant to the' <br />effect that the violated item of the specifications has been conformed <br />with. Within one week of the receipt of such an application and <br />statement the health officer shall make a reinspection of the <br />applicant's establishment, and thereafter as many additional rein - <br />spoctions as he may deem necessary to assure himself that the <br />applicant is again complying with the higher grade requirements, and, <br />in case the findings justify, shall regrade the milk or milk products <br />upward, but not before the lapse of two weeks from the date of. <br />degrading. <br />SECTION 10. Transferring or dipping milk, delivery containers; <br />handling of more than one grade; delivery of milk at quarantined <br />residences. - Except as permitted in this section, no milk producer <br />or distributor shall transfer milk or milk products from one con- <br />tainor to anothcr..on the street, or in any vehicle or store, or in <br />any place except a bottling or milk room especially used for.that <br />purpose. The sale of dip milk is hereby prohibited. <br />All pasteurized milk and milk products shall be placed in their <br />final delivery containers in the plant in which they are pasteurized. <br />Silk and milk products sold in the distributor's containers in quant- <br />ities less than one gallon shall be delivered in standard milk bottles <br />or in single- service containers. It shall be unlawful for hotels, <br />soda fountains, restaurants, groceries, and similar establishments <br />to sell or serve any mill: or milk product except in the original <br />container in which it was received from the distributor or from a <br />bulk container equipped with an approved dispensing device; Pro- <br />vided, That this requirement shall not apply to cream consumed on <br />I <br />