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ITEM llp. Disposal of wastes. - All wastes shall be properly <br />disposed of. <br />ITEM 12p. Cleaning and bactericidal treatment of containers and <br />equipment. - All milk and milk product# containers and equipment, <br />except single- service containers, shall be thoroughly cleaned after <br />each usage,. All containers shall be subjected to an approved <br />bactericidal process after each cleaning and all equipment immediate- <br />ly before each usage. Vlhen empty and before being returned to a <br />producer by a milk plant each container shall be effectively cleaned <br />and subjected to bactericidal treatment. <br />ITEM 13p. <br />Storage of containers_ and equipment. <br />- <br />After <br />bacteri- <br />cidal treatment <br />all bottles, cans; and other <br />multi -use <br />milk <br />or milk <br />products containers and equipment shall be stored in such manner as <br />to be protected from contamination. , <br />ITER 14p. Handling of containers and equipment.- Between bac- <br />tericidal treatment and-usage, and during usage, containers and <br />equipment shall not be handled or operated in such manner as to <br />permit contamination of the milk. <br />ITEM 15p. Storage of caps, parchment paper,, and single - service <br />containers. - Mill",- bottle caps or cap stock, parchment paper for milk <br />cans, and single- service containers shall be purchased and stored only <br />in sanitary tubes and cartons., respectively, and shall be kept therein <br />in a clean dry place. <br />ITEM 16p. Pasteurization. - Pasteurization shall be performed <br />as 'described in section 1 (L) of this ordinance <br />ITEM 17p. Cooling. - All milk and milk products received for <br />pasteurization shall immediately be cooled in approved equipment to <br />50 degrees F., or less and maintained at that temperature until <br />pasteurized, unless they are to be pasteurized within 2 hours after <br />receipt; and all pasteurized milk and milk products ,shall be imned- <br />lately cooled in approved equipment to an average temperature of 50 <br />degrees F., or less, as defined in section 1 (S)., and maintained <br />thereat until delivery. <br />ITEM 18p. Bottling. - Bottling of milk and milk products shall <br />be done at the place of pasteurization in approved mechanical <br />equipment. <br />ITEM 19p. Overflow milk. - Overflow milk or milk products shall <br />not be sold for human consumption. <br />- 13 - <br />