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-7- <br />impervious material, in good repair, and graded to provide proper drainage. (b) <br />It shall have walls and ceilings of such construction as to permit easy cleaning, <br />and shall be well painted or finished in an approved manner. (c) It shall be <br />well lighted and ventilated. (d) It shall have all openings effectivescreened <br />including outward opening, self- closing doors, unless other effective means are <br />provided to prevent the entrance of flies. (e) It shall be used for no other <br />purposes than those specified above except as may be approved by the health officer; <br />shall not open directly into a stable or into any room used for domestic purposes; <br />shall have water piped into it; shall be provided with adequate facilities for the <br />heating of water for the cleaning of utensils; shall be equipped with two- oompart- <br />ment stationary wash and rinse vats, if chlorine is employed as the principal <br />bactericidal treatment, the three - compartment type must be used; and shall be <br />partitioned to separate the handling of, goat milk and the storage of cleansed <br />utensils from the cleaning and other operations, which shall be so located and con- <br />ducted as to prevent any contamination of the milk or of cleaned equipment. <br />Item 9r. Milk House, Cleanliness and Flies. The floors, walls, ceilings, <br />and equipment of the milk house shall be kept clean at all times. All means neces- <br />sary for the elimination of flies shall be used. <br />Item 10r, Toilet. Every goat dairy farm shall be provided with one or more <br />sanitary toilets conveniently located and properly constructed, operated, and main- <br />tained, so that the waste is inaccessible to flies and does not pollute the sur- <br />face soil or contaminate any water supply. <br />Item llr. Water Supply. The water supply for the milk room and dairy barn <br />shall be properly located, constructed, and operated, and shall be easily accessible, <br />adequate, and of a safe sanitary quality. <br />Item.12r. Utensils, Construction. All multi -use containers or other utensils <br />used in the handling, storage, or transportation of goat milk must be made of smooth <br />nonabsorbent material and of such construction as to be easily cleaned, and must <br />