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-12- <br />and, in case the findings justify, shall regrade the goat milk upward, but not <br />before the lapse of 2 weeks from the date of degrading. <br />SEC. 10. Transferring or Dipping Goat Milk; Delivery Containers; Handling <br />of More Than One Grade; Delivery of Goat milk at Quarantined Residences. Except <br />as permitted in this section, no goat milk producer or distributor shall transfer <br />goat milk from one container to another on the street, or in any vehicle or store, <br />or in any place except a bottling or milk room especially used for that purpose. <br />The sale of dip goat milk is hereby prohibited. <br />All raw goat milk sold for consumption in the raw state shall be placed in <br />its final delivery container at the farm at which it was produced. Goat milk <br />sold in the distributor's containers in quantities less than 1 gallon shall be <br />delivered in standard milk bottles or in single - service containers. It shall be <br />unlawful for hotels, soda fountains, restaurants, groceries, and similar estab- <br />lishments to sell or serve any goat milk except in the original container in which <br />it was received from the distributor or from a bulk container equipped with an <br />approved dispensing device. <br />It shall be unlawful for any hotel, soda fountain, restaurant, grocery, or <br />similar establishment to sell or serve any goat milk which has not been maintained, <br />while in its possession, at a temperature of 500 F. or less. <br />No goat milk shall be permitted to come in contact with equipment with <br />which a lower grade of goat milk has been in contact unless such equipment has <br />first been thoroughly cleaned and subjected to bactericidal treatment. <br />Bottled goat milk, if stored in water, shall be so stored that the tops of <br />the bottles will not be submerged. <br />It shall be the duty of all persons to whom goat milk is delivered to clean <br />thoroughly the containers in which such milk is delivered before returning such <br />containers. Apparatus, containers, equipment, and utensils used in the handling, <br />