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Such moving of lamps shall be completed within thirty <br />(30) days after receipt by the Contractor of written notice <br />from the City.. Sundays, legal holidays, and stormy days not to <br />be counted, provided that the number of such removals shall <br />not exceed one per day, and provided further that such removals <br />may hot be required on Sundays, legal holidays and stormy days. <br />Notice that the work of such removal of lamps has been completed <br />shall be given by the Contractor to the City within ten (10) <br />days after completion of the work. <br />The actual cost to the Contractor of making such re- <br />locations shall be paid by the City to the Contractor within <br />thirty (30) days after said notice has been given-, provided, <br />however, that the Contractor will at its expense upon order of <br />the Board of Public Works change the location in any one year <br />of not to exceed twenty -five (25) lamps, of which twenty -five <br />(25) changes of location not to exceed five (5) shall be units <br />served from the underground system. In .addition the Contractor, <br />within thirty (30) days after receipt of written notice from <br />the Board of Public Works, shall, at its own expense, relocate <br />all overhead lighting units occasioned by duly authorized <br />street improvements. <br />9. The City shall accept said street lighting units <br />and the services herein specified during the life of this con- <br />tract and pay as full compensatio# therefor at the rate and <br />price set out in the accepted bid, to -wit: <br />FOR OVERHEAD STREET LIGHTING UNITS <br />10000 <br />lumen <br />incandescent <br />lamps <br />- $45.00 <br />per <br />unit <br />per <br />annum <br />6000 <br />lumen <br />incandescent <br />lamps <br />- $38.40 <br />per <br />unit <br />per <br />annum <br />4000 <br />lumen <br />incandescent <br />lamps <br />- $32.40 <br />per <br />unit <br />per <br />annum <br />2500 <br />lumen <br />incandescent <br />lamps <br />- $26.40 <br />per <br />unit <br />per <br />annum <br />1000 <br />lumen <br />incandescent <br />lamps <br />- $19.20 <br />per <br />unit <br />per <br />annum <br />-6- <br />