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If any lamp remains "out" twelve hours after the <br />giving of notice, as hereinafter provided, all subsequent hours <br />such lamp remains out (during the hours in which it should be <br />lighted) shall be doubled for the purpose of computing the <br />amount of deduction to be made from the VLonthly bill. Said <br />notice may be given orally but shall be followed by written <br />notice from the Police Department or City Engineer and de- <br />livered to the contractor within Six (6) hours thereafter, in <br />which event such notice shall be effective from the time it is <br />given orally. <br />6. The.City may at its option at any time during the <br />term of this contract, upon order of its Board of Public Works, <br />request the Contractor to install in any or all overhead or <br />underground street lighting units then in service any number <br />of lamps of larger size and /or greater illuminating power, in <br />which event from the date of such changed installation the <br />City shall pay as compensation therefor in accordance with rates <br />for such changed lamps and classification of units set forth in <br />Paragraph Nine (9) hereof. <br />In like manner the city may request the contractor to <br />replace not to exceed ten (10) per cent of the existing overhead <br />lamps with lamps of smaller size and /or less illuminating power, <br />in which event, from the date of any such replacement, the sub- <br />stituted lamp shall carry the rate of its respective classifica- <br />tion set forth in Paragraph Hine (9) hereof. <br />7. Additional overhead street lighting units shall <br />be added from time to time on written notice from the City and <br />payment therefor shall be at the rate provided in this contract, <br />commencing on the day on which the lamps are put in service, <br />provided that one additional 4000, 6000 or 10000 lumen incan- <br />descent lamp shall be installed for each extension of 700 feet <br />and that one additional 2500 lumen incandescent lamp shall be <br />installed for each extension of 700 feet and that one additional <br />-4- <br />