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the life of this contract to install, operate and maintain in <br />the place of the lamps herein provided for, and under the same <br />terms and conditions, other and more improved lamps in keeping <br />with such advancement as may be made in the art of lighting, <br />which lamps shall be of equivalent or greater illuminating <br />power. <br />11. In authorizing or granting a permit to any per- <br />son, firm or corporation to repair or cut into any street, <br />alley or sidewalk in which street lighting units and lines and <br />cables supplying current thereto are located, the City shall <br />require, as a condition to the granting of such permit, an <br />agreement on the part of the applicant that such lines and cables <br />and street lighting units will not be interfered with in any <br />manner without notice to the Contractor. <br />12. If the City shall make default in the payment of <br />any bills as hereinbefore provided, the Contractor may at its <br />option -after having given ten (10) days written notice of its <br />intention so to do, discontinue the service herein contracted <br />for and continue to withhold the supply of electrical energy <br />for street lighting until such time as the City has made pay- <br />ment for all bills in which it is in arrears. Any suspension of <br />service by the Contractor shall not terminate this contract un- <br />less Contractor so elects. Otherwise, upon payment by the City <br />of the amount it is in arrears, the contract shall remain in <br />full force and effect for the period herein specified. <br />13. It is further understood and agreed that the <br />terms of the within contract contain the entire agreement <br />between the parties. It is understood, however, that nothing <br />herein contained shall prevent a modification of this contract <br />hereafter by mutual agreement of the parties. <br />14. All the covenants, expressions, terms, conditions, <br />provisions and agreements herein shall extend to and be binding <br />upon, or inute,_ to the benefit of as the case may be each and <br />every one of the successors or assigns of each of the parties <br />