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deciduous tree every forty (40) feet along all perimeter property boundaries to providing no additional trees <br />along the easternmost 220 feet more or less of the south property line as shown. The petitioners are asking <br />for approval of this Variance as the property is located in an older developed commercial corridor site. <br />There is existing pavement in this area for the loading dock, which leaves little room for the placement of <br />perimeter trees along with screening. The Petitioners and contingent purchasers do not believe approval of <br />this Variance would have a negative impact on any surrounding property. <br />B). A Variance to allow modification of an existing loading dock and driveway pavement to encroach into <br />25 foot Front -yard Setback along Prast Boulevard to a minimum of 8 feet to the right -of -way line of said <br />Prast Boulevard. This loading dock area has existed on the south side of the building for the past several <br />decades when the structure was used for commercial purposes. The modified location is designed to work <br />with the renovated building. The Petitioners and contingent purchasers are showing that the loading dock <br />area will be screened from street view with evergreen plantings. The Petitioners and contingent purchasers <br />do not believe approval of this Variance would have an adverse impact on any surrounding property. <br />C). A Variance to allow pavement for a proposed driveway to encroach into the 20 foot Side -yard Setback <br />along the west property line to a minimum of 10 feet a shown. The site is being developed with an internal <br />driveway system to allow for the drop -off and pick of school children. A small portion of the perimeter <br />driveway encroaches into the Side -yard Setback. The Residential classification does not allow for a <br />driveway of a non - residential use to encroach into the large Side -yard Setback. This requirement was most <br />likely based on the assumption that a home may be located on the adjacent property. In this case the <br />adjacent property is zoned "CB" Community Business. The Petitioners and contingent purchasers do not <br />believe approval of this Variance would have a negative impact on any surrounding property. <br />8) A statement on how each of the following standards for the granting of Variances is met: <br />The Petitioners and contingent purchasers would state that they are renovating an existing Commercial <br />property which was built under the old zoning standards for the City. They are taking an outdated building <br />which was not required to meet extensive setback standards, screening requirements or the placement of <br />loading docks or pavement in relation to property lines and creating a new building use. The Petitioners and <br />contingent purchasers believe they have mitigated the effect the existing and proposed improvements <br />would have on any adjacent property. The requested number of Variances reflects a situation that exists for <br />renovation projects that are located in older neighborhoods. The building has existed for the past several <br />decades and no longer viable as a retail use. The Petitioners and contingent purchasers would state that the <br />approval of the above requested Variances will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and <br />general welfare of the community. As envisioned the proposed improvements will renovate the exterior of <br />the existing structure, allow a re -use of an older commercial building and add landscaping on -site where <br />none presently exists. This will increase the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the <br />community. The Petitioners and contingent purchasers would also state that the use and value of the area <br />adjacent to the property included in the Variances will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner. <br />The site as proposed will provide more screening, landscaping than has existed before. The proposed <br />improvements should help to stabilize values for neighborhood properties adjacent to the site. <br />The Petitioners would state that the strict application of the terms of this Ordinance would result in <br />practical difficulties in the use of the property. The strict enforcement of the Ordinance would make any <br />proposed improvements very restricted and create a situation where owners could do little to add value to <br />their property. <br />9). If not clearly shown on the Preliminary Site Plan, a site plan showing the requested variances shall also <br />be submitted. <br />The Petitioners have supplied a site plan to help show the proposed improvements and reflect the <br />Requested Variances. <br />10) If applicable, a detailed description and purpose of the Special Exception(s) being requested: N/A <br />11) A statement on how each of the following standards for the granting of a Special Exception is met: <br />N/A <br />