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11. No building permit has been issued for construction on the property in connection with the improvement in <br />question as of the date of filing of this petition. The building permit may he issued after the South Bend <br />Common Council has approved the Declaratory Resolution. (Tax abatement is not available if a building <br />permit has already been issued). The signature below is verification of this statement. <br />12. List other anticipated public financing for the project, including any assistance to be sought or already <br />authorized through the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development funds from the City of <br />South Bend, South Bend Housing Authority, Housing Assistance Office, St. Joseph County Housing <br />Consortium or other public financial assistance, including but not limited to public works improvements: <br />Ecquiy from the low income housingtax credits, HOME funds from the _ City of South Bend <br />____ <br />_ Grant from the Federal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis <br />13. Describe how the property has become undesirable for or impossible of normal development because of a lack <br />of development, cessation of growth, deterioration of improvements or other factors which have impaired values <br />and prevent a normal development of the property: <br />The properties have been abandoned and the neighborhood has seen many years of decline. This is an area in great need of redevelopment yet, it has been slow to <br />aftracldevelopers The hones that existed on the properties suffered from neglect and were no longer habitable and needto betorn down. The vacant land increases the <br />abandoned look of the entire neighborhood, The moslcompatible and logical development is redeveloping single family hones on the lots to attract more developers to the area. <br />In the recent discussions involving the Linoolnway Comida Plan this area was mentioned as a prime redevelopment site because of the location between the Chapin Park and the <br />___—________ __________— ___________________— <br />14. The current use of the property is Vacantiots and the current <br />zoning is residential_ (use). (This information may he obtained from the Building Department 235 -9553) <br />15. The property is located in the following Allocation Area (if any) declared and confirmed by the South Bend <br />Redevelopment Commission (requiring approval of the tax abatement by the Redevelopment Commission): <br />n/a <br />16. The following person should be contacted as the petitioner's agent regarding additional information and public <br />hearing notifications: <br />Name Anne Mannix <br />_____________ <br />Address 724 W Washington Sl <br />___________________________________ ___________________________ ____ <br />------------ South Bend. W 06-6- ____ ___________________________ <br />___________ <br />City State, Zip — __ -- - --_ <br />Telephone'___ <br />(574)288 -0369 ---------------------------------------------------- <br />-------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />E -snail Address amannix.nda <br />WHEREFORE, Petitioner has paid the required fee of $50.00 and requests that the Common Council of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, adopt a declaratory resolution designating the area described herein as a residentially distressed <br />area for the purposes of real property tax abatement consideration, and after publication of notice and public <br />hearing, determine that the qualifications for a residentially distressed area have been met and confirm such <br />resolution. <br />(Rev. 5/13/11) <br />Name of Property Owner(s): <br />Lincoln Park Development, LLC <br />By ___ <br />(Signature) <br />2 <br />Anne Mannix, Member Lincoln Park <br />(Typed or printed name <br />ff'ce <br />--22015 <br />CITY CLE� <br />