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TABLE OF CONTENTS <br />SECTIONS <br />1 Scope of Sell-ices <br />2 Ownership of ECM(s) <br />3 Financing mud ,ability to PIA <br />4 Contract Cost; Progress Payments <br />5 Terris <br />6 Savings Guarantee <br />7 Right of Entry/Space <br />8 Changes in Sen•ices <br />9 Warranties <br />10 Customer Responsibilities <br />11 Defaults by Customer and Anmeresco <br />12 Remedies for Default <br />13 Dispute Resolution <br />14 Insurance and Bonds <br />15 Indemnification and Limitatiotr of l..inbility <br />16 Agreement Interpretation and Performance <br />17 Privileged and Proprietary Infoiniation <br />18 Severability <br />19 Assilmmeiir and Siibcoutrncring <br />20 \\'liver <br />21 I -orce Majeurc <br />22 Contract Documents <br />23 Notices <br />24 Records <br />25 Representations and Warranties <br />26 Independent Contractor <br />27 Additional Representariou and \C'mrranties of (-,Is <br />tonier <br />28 Negligent /\T'rongfid acts <br />29 Further Documents and Events <br />30 'Ibird Party Beneficiaries <br />31 Notifications of Governmental Action - Occupational Safety and Health <br />32 References <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />ATI''ACHnIENT :\ <br />AT ACl-B, fEN l' 13 <br />\CIiM1NT C <br />\ITACIINI1 N'1 1)(1) <br />NIT ACI IMENT 1)(2) <br />ATI'.ACHML'NI• D(3) <br />ATFACt NIENT E <br />PROPEMY DRSCRIP'17ON <br />SCOPE Ol� SI ?R\'ICP.S <br />SAYINGS GU.ARAN7•E1 <br />DIi1JVERY:AND ACCEPT: \NCE: CL'RTII'IC: \'1'13 <br />PE:RC }3N'I' COAIPLP :7T::1CIiN0 \ \7.liDGLt\[P.N'1' <br />CE•'RT'IEICATE <br />SU13STi \N'fJAJ. COMPI I, AON CERTI -ICATE <br />NOTICI- TO PROCI'ED <br />