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• 2 • <br />POLICB WARTMENt <br />co _ , Tologivh & Telephone_ <br />loconot 160 Pow, Printing <br />Aoeoant Xo• P•6810 Office supplies <br />Account. No* P•7289 Office„ Bquipmat <br />Account No. F-726, Other Equipment <br />STREET DEPARTMOVs <br />„ 00 0•.. R 'Salaries <br />es at <br />so a1 <br />3Y L i <br />,v <br />20266004 <br />Section 6e That the sum of $1,060,00 be, and the same is appropriated <br />from *he Osneral Strsot. and Traffic Fund of the Municipal Civil City of South <br />Bend, Indiana, tog and is appropriated for the uses and..purpooes.of the folloadng <br />budgetary items in. the -ems and, depai#ent:.set out, in.this Section, in the <br />budget for tbs. year 19499 tosit: <br />STREET DEPARTHEIffs <br />Uoommtlo, BMW Telegraph ond. Telephone 260000 <br />Account too 5.221, Electric Current 300*00 <br />A000unt.le* 8.5210 Coal (Feel Oil) 690000 <br />Section 4e That the sump of money, Sections 2 and 6 of <br />this Ordfnanove are repaired for the proper and efficient operation and function <br />of the aforementioned Departments of the Governmsat of the City of South Bond, <br />Indiana, and an extraordinary smsrgenoy is declared to. exist oomerning.the <br />foregoing approgriations..and.transfers• <br />Section 6. That this ordinance shall be in full force and offset from <br />sad after its passage by the Common Council,. its approval by. the .Mayor, and the <br />fulfillmsnt.of all Statutory requirements.relating to extraordinary morgenoy <br />appropriatiouse <br />r <br />mmm of THE / a <br />RUBUO HEA1M l6 <br />3rd READING /0 —/O <br />NOT AMOVED <br />RUERIED % <br />PASSED Is <br />