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SUPPLEMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE <br />An ordinance supplementing ordinance No. 3702 adopted June 13, <br />1949, and commonly known as the Zoning Ordinance Of the City of South Bend. <br />PAMREAS, by ordinance No. 3654 adopted August 9, 1948, there was <br />annexed to and made s part of the City of South Bend all that part of the <br />West Half of the West Half of Section Nine (9), Township Thirty -seven (37) <br />North, Range Two (2) East, in St. Joseph County, Indiana, which is bounded <br />on the North by the North line of Western Avenue and on the South by the <br />North line of Sample Street; and <br />WHEREAS, the West Half of the Southwest quarter of said Section <br />Nine (9) is now covered by two plats which have been heretofore duly ap- <br />proved by the City Plan Commission and which are respectively known and <br />described as Belleville Unit A, an Addition to the City of South Bend, Indi- <br />ana, and Belleville Unit B, an Addition to the City of South Bend, Indiana; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, the maps referred to in sections B and 9 of ordinance <br />No. 3702 and constituting parts thereof omit said annexed territory. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY <br />OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, that ordinance No. 3702 be supplemented by adding <br />thereto new sections numbered 30 and 31, as follows: <br />Section 30. <br />The area now within and a part of the City of South Bend, known <br />as Belleville Unit A, an Addition to the City of South Bend, Indiana, and <br />Belleville Unit B. an Addition to the City of South Bend, Indiana, is hereby <br />divided into Use Districts and into Height and Area Districts, as follows: <br />Section Addition <br />1, 2, 3, 4 <br />Belleville <br />Unit A <br />5 <br />Belleville <br />Unit A <br />6, 7 <br />Belleville <br />Unit B <br />8 <br />Belleville <br />Unit B <br />Use District <br />Id <br />r <br />Height and <br />Area District <br />I1 <br />Said additions and the several sections thereof are shown upon the <br />