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Section 23- <br />Changes and Amendments <br />(a) Any petition or ordinance for the amendment, supplement, change or <br />repeal of the zoning ordinance or any part thereof, not originating in the City <br />Plan Commission, shall be referred to the Plan Commission for consideration and <br />report before any final action is taken by the City Council. <br />(b) Prior to the submission to the City Council of a Plan Commission <br />petition or a report on a proposed ordinance or a petition referred to it for <br />recommendation, the Plan Commission shall hold a public hearing on the same, <br />notice of which shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the <br />city, ten (10) days prior to the date set for such hearing. Such notice shall <br />give the date, time and place of such public hearing. <br />(c) If the report of the Plan Commission is adverse to the proposed <br />change or amendament, the ordinance shall not be passed except by a vote of at <br />least seventy -five percentum of the members of the City Council. <br />(d) Sixty (60) days after report of the Plan Commission to the Council <br />favoring the change or amendment, the change or amendment shall have the same <br />effect as ordinances passed by the Council, unless the City Council shall have <br />acted upon it to become effective at an earlier date. If the City Council rejects <br />or amends the proposed change or amendment, it shall be returned to the Plan <br />Commission for its consideration, with a written statement of the reasons for its <br />rejection or amendment. <br />(e) The Plan Commission shall have forty -five (45) days in which to con- <br />sider the rejection or amendment and report to the City Council. If the Commis- <br />sion approves the amendment, the ordinance shall stand as passed by the Council <br />as of the date of the recording of the Commission's report to the City Council. <br />If the Commission disapproves the amendment or rejection, the action of the coun- <br />cil on the original amendment or rejection shall stand only if confirmed by a <br />seventy -five (75) percentum vote of the City Council. <br />(f) In case the Commission does not file a report with the City Council <br />within forty -five (45) days, the action of the Council in amending or rejecting <br />the ordinance shall become final. <br />(g) Change or amendment to this ordinance affecting the zone classifica- <br />tion of property may be initiated by petition of the owners of at least fifty (50) <br />percentum of the property for which the change is sought. Such petition shall be <br />signed and acknowledged and filed in the office of the City Clerk. <br />(h) The City Council may reject such petition when found inadequate, or <br />it may accept it and refer it to the City Plan Commission for report. The cost <br />of publication by the Plan Commission shall be assessed against and paid by the <br />petitioner., <br />Section 24, <br />Violation, Penalty, <br />(a) Any person, firm or corporation who v olates, disobeys, omits, neg- <br />lects or refuses to comply witfi,or who resists a enforcement of any of the pro- <br />visions of this ordinance shall be fined not * t <br />wa hank O UAVO dollars - -nr] <br />01 dollars for AA �Se, and be imprisoned in the <br />Count Jail „ °+ ' - ^` ^ ^ ° + °.. Ea da that a violation is <br />Y j Y <br />permitted t exist shall constitute a separate off se. <br />