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c.: ppeal: Appeal from the ruling of the Building Commissioner concerning <br />the enforcement of the provisions of this ordinance may be made to the <br />Board of Zoning Appeals within such time as shall be prescribed by the <br />Board by general rule. The appellant shall file with the Building Com- <br />missioner and with the Board of Zoning Appeals a notice of appeal, <br />specifying the grounds thereof. The Building Commissioner shall forth- <br />with transmit to the Board all the papers constituting the record upon <br />which the action appealed from was taken. <br />d. Jurisdiction: In specific cases the Board of Zoning Appeals may author- <br />ize by permit a variation of the application of the use, height and area <br />district regulations, herein established in harmony with their general <br />purpose and intent as follows: <br />(1) Permit a temporary building for commerce or industry in a <br />residence district which is incidental to the residential development, <br />such permit to be issued for a period of not more than one (1) year. <br />(2) Permit the reconstruction, within twelve months, of a building <br />located in a district restricted against its use, which has been <br />destroyed by fire or other calamity to the extent of not more than sixty <br />(60) per cent of its value, provided that when such reconstruction <br />becomes involved in litigation, the time required for such litigation, <br />shall not be counted as a part of the twelve (12) months allowed for <br />reconstruction. <br />(3) Permit the extension of a use or height and area district for <br />a distance of not more than twenty -five (25) feet, where the boundary <br />line of a district divides a lot in a single ownership at the time of <br />the passage of this ordinance. <br />(h) Permit the erection and use of a building or the use of a <br />premises in any location for a public service corporation for public <br />utility purpose which the Board admits reasonably necessary for the pub- <br />lic convenience or welfare. <br />(5) Permit the enlargement of an existing building located in a <br />district restricted against its use, where such enlargement does not <br />exceed one -third the total floor area occupied by the non - conforming <br />use at the time certificate for such non- conforming use was issued. <br />(6) Interpret the provisions for this ordinance in such a way as to <br />carry out the intent and purpose of the plan, as shown upon the maps, <br />fixing the several districts accompanying and made a part of this ordin- <br />ance where the street layout actually on the ground varies from the <br />street layout as shown on the maps aforesaid. <br />(7) Where there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships <br />in complying strictly with the provisions of this ordinance, the Board <br />of Zoning Appeals may, in specific cases, adjust any such condition in <br />harmony with the general purpose and intent of this ordinance to the end <br />that the public health, safety and general welfare may be secured and <br />substantial justice done. <br />(8) Adopt from time to time such rules and regulations as may be <br />deemed necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this ordinance. <br />-17- <br />