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C. Except as hereinafter provided no building shall be erected or structurally <br />altered except in conformity with the regulations herein established for the <br />height and area district in which such building is located, subject, however, <br />to such modifications as may be imposed by the St. Joseph County Aviation <br />Commission. <br />D. No lot area shallbe so reduced or diminished that the yards or open spaces <br />shall be smaller than prescribed by.this ordinance, nor shall the area of any <br />residential lot be reduced to less than forty -eight hundred (4800) sq. ft. <br />Section 10. <br />"A" Height and Area District <br />In the "A" Height and Area District the height of building, the minimum <br />dimensions of yards and setback and the maximum lot coverage shall be as follows: <br />He t: No building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall <br />exceed thirty -five (35) feet or two and one -half (22) stories. See <br />Section 17) (a) and (b). <br />Rear Yard: There shall be a rear yard having a minimum depth of twenty- <br />five (257 feet. See Section 17, (g) and (h) - <br />Side Yard: There shall be a side yard on each side of a building, except <br />accessory buildings of not less than five (5) feet in width, providedf <br />however, that on a lot having a width of.less than forty (40) feet, as <br />shown by the last conveyance of record at the time of the passage of this <br />ordinance, there shall be a side yard on each side of a building of not <br />less than three (3) feet in width. See Section 17, (h). <br />Setback:. There shall be a setback line of not less than 25 feet, provided <br />that when 25% or more of all the property on one side of a street between <br />two intersecting streets has been build up with buildings having a set- <br />back of more or less than 25 feet from the street line, no building here- <br />after erected or structurally altered shall project beyond the minimum <br />setback line so established; provided further, that this regulation shall <br />not be so interpreted as to reduce the buildable width of a corner lot <br />40 feet or less in width, and of record at the time of the passage of <br />the zoning ordinance, to less than 701% of the width of.the.lot. On cor- <br />ner lots more than 40 feet in width, the width of building may be greater <br />than 28 feet by one half the amount by which the lot exceeds 40 feet in <br />width. <br />Lot, Coverage: No building shall be erected or increased in ground area <br />so that more than forty-(40) per cent of the area of the lot will be <br />covered. <br />Section 11. <br />"B" Height and Area District <br />In the "B" Height and Area District the height of buildings, the minimum <br />dimensions of yards and the maximum lot coverage shall be as follows: <br />Height: No building hereafter erected or structurally altered shall <br />exceed forty (40) feet or three stories. See Section 17, (a). <br />-12- <br />