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(63) Wholesale display and sales +, <br />(64) Uses which are uncertain in their classification under the fore- <br />going headings shall be reviewed by the Board of Zoning Appeals <br />and the interpretation of said Board shall govern. <br />Section 6. <br />"D" Light Industrial District <br />In the "D" Light Industrial District buildings and premises may be used, <br />and building may be erected or structurally altered for the following uses only: <br />(1) Bakery <br />(2) Blacksmith shop <br />(3) Bottling plant <br />(4) Building materials storage yard <br />(5) Carting, express, hauling or storage yard <br />(6) Contractors' plant and storage yard <br />(7) Coal, coke and wood yard <br />(8) Dairy plant <br />(9) Dyeing and cleaning plant <br />(10) Foundry, aluminum <br />(11) Garage, public <br />(12) Garment factory <br />(13) Highway freight terminal <br />(14) Ice manufacture and storage plant <br />(15) Knitting and weaving plant <br />(16) Laundry <br />(17) .Lumber yard <br />(18) Machine shop <br />(19) Milk distributing station <br />(20) Plastic parts casting <br />(21) Poultry killing and dressing <br />(22) Public utilities <br />(23) Refrigerating locker plants <br />-9- <br />