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PETITION DIRECTED TO TIE COMMON <br />COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND9 INDIANA <br />TO THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA: <br />The undersigned owners hereby respectfully petition the Common <br />Council to amend and supplement the present zoning ordinance No. 3702 by <br />the adoption of an ordinance zoning the following described real estate in <br />the City of South Bend, County of St. Joseph, State of Indiana, as ItAff <br />Residential District and "A" Height and Area District: <br />Beginning at point on the one - eighth (1 /8) line 336 £t. <br />west of the Southeast corner of the North Half of the <br />Northeast Quarter section 5 T. 37 N. R. 3 East, which <br />point is the present city limits; thence east 336 ft. to <br />the east line of said section 5 (center line of Hickory <br />Road); thence north along the east line of said section <br />5 a distance of 572.22 ft., to a point 737.15 ft., more <br />or less, south of the Northeast corner of section 5; <br />thence west parallel with the north line of said section <br />5 a distance of 553.08 ft., more or less, to the present <br />city limits; thence south along the present city limits <br />a distance of 549.45 ft.; thence east along present city <br />limits a distance of 216.48 ft. to a point 22.44 ft. north <br />of beginning; thence south pl <br />22. ft. to ace of beginning. <br />Dated this 2-4 day of , 1953. <br />LAND DEVELOPERS COMPANY, INC. <br />n <br />