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Sec. 4. As soon as may be done after the passage of this ordinance <br />the City Clerk shall give notice of the filing of the petition for and de- <br />termination to issue bonds. Said notice shall be published once each week <br />for two weeks in the South Bend Tribune and South Bend Mirror, the same being <br />newspapers published in the City of South Bend and representing the two lead- <br />ing political parties, and said notice shall also be posted in three public <br />places in the City, as provided by Sections 64 -313 and 64 -1332 Burns statutes <br />1933. <br />Said bonds shall not be advertised for sale prior to the expiration <br />of the period during which taxpayers may file remonstrances or objecting peti- <br />tions to the issuance of said bonds. In the event a remonstrance shall be <br />filed by the owners of taxable real estate under the provisions of Section <br />a -313 Burns Statutes 1933, then no further steps towards the issuance of <br />said bonds shall be taken unless and until the Common Council shall have de- <br />termined that such remonstrance is insufficient. In the event an objecting <br />petition or petitions are filed by taxpayers under the provisions of Section <br />64 -1332 Burns Statutes 1933, then no further steps towards the issuance of <br />said bonds shall be taken unless and until the State Board of Tax Commissioners <br />shall issue its order approving the issuance of said bonds. In the event it <br />shall be determined by the State Board of Tax Commissioners, or otherwise, <br />that the whole amount of the bonds herein authorized shall not be issued, <br />then the City Clerk shall be authorized to advertise and sell a lesser amount <br />of bonds, and the bonds not issued and sold shall be the bonds of the longest <br />maturity or maturities. <br />Sec. 5. Prior to the sale of said bonds the City Controller shall <br />cause to be published a notice of such sale once each week for two weeks in <br />the South Bend Tribune and South Bend Mirror, and one time in The Indianap- <br />olis Commercial. The date fixed for the sale shall not be earlier than seven <br />(7) days after the last of said publications. Said bond sale notice shall <br />-5- <br />