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8E IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUPH BEND, <br />INDIANA: <br />Section 1. That the City of South Bend, Indiana (hereinafter some- <br />times referred to as the "City ") by and through its Board of Public Works <br />and Safety, proceed with the construction of the sewer project hereinbefore <br />referred to, in accordance with such plans and specifications which have <br />been and may hereafter be approved by the Board of Public Works and Safety. <br />Sec. 2. For the purpose of providing funds with which to pay the <br />costs of construction of said sewer project and the incidental expenses <br />necessary to be incurred in connection with -such project and the issuance <br />of bonds on account thereof, the City shall make a loan in the amount of <br />One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00). In order to procure said loan the City <br />Controller is hereby authorized and directed to have prepared and to issue <br />and sell the negotiable, direct obligation bonds of the City to be designated <br />as "City of South Bend, Municipal Bonds of 1948," in the aggregate principal <br />amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00), which bonds shall be issued <br />in the denomination of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), shall be numbered <br />consecutively from 1 to 1000 inclusive, shall be dated as of November 1, <br />1948, and shall bear interest at a rate not exceeding four per cent (4 %) <br />per annum (the exact rate to be determined by bidding), which interest shall <br />be payable on July 1, 1950, and semi - annually thereafter on January 1 and <br />July 1 of each year, and shall be evidenced by coupons attached to said bonds. <br />Both bonds and interest coupons shall be payable at the office of the City <br />Treasurer in the City of South Bend, Indiana, in lawful money of the United <br />States of America. The bonds shall mature serially in the amounts and on <br />the dates as follows: <br />$200,000.00 on July 1, 1953, and $200,000.00 on July 1 of <br />each year thereafter to and including July 1, 1957. <br />2 - <br />