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TO: THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />The undersigned hereby respectfully petitions your honorable <br />body to annex to the City of South Bend the following described property <br />in.St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, to -wit: <br />The Northwest One - quarter (1/4) of Section Number Thirty <br />(30), Township Number Thirty -seven (37) North, Range <br />Number Three (3) East; <br />Also, a tract of land in Sections Numbered Nineteen (19) <br />and Thirty (30), Township Number Thirty -seven (37) <br />North, Range Number Three (3) East containing Twenty - <br />nine and Seventy -three Hundredths (29.73) acres, more <br />or less, bounded by a line running as follows, viz: <br />Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southeast One - <br />quarter (1/4) of said Section Number Nineteen (19); <br />thence North Two Hundred Ninety -one and Six Tenths <br />(291.6') Feet; thence East Five Hundred Seventy -two <br />(572') Feet; thence South Two Thousand Two Hundred <br />Sixty -two and Nine Tenths (2,262.9') Feet; thence West <br />Five Hundred Seventy -two (572') Feet; thence North <br />One Thousand Nine Hundred Seventy -one (1,971') Feet <br />to the place of beginning, being Lots Numbered Four <br />(4), Five (5) Six (6) and Ten and Nine Hundredths <br />(10.09) acres off of the West side of Lot Numbered Three <br />(3), as shown on the Plat of the Commissioners filed <br />in the cause of Sarah Denslow vs Robert G. Denslow, <br />et al, a transcript of which plat and partition is recorded <br />in Deed Record 60, Pages 338 to 343, inclusive: <br />Containing in all One Hundred Ninety (190) acres, more <br />or less. <br />all as shown in the proposed Ordinance which is presented herewith. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, William E. Voor, <br />Attorney for First Bank and Trust Company of South_Bend_Sn th aura <br />i <br />