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SECTION 2: METHODOLOGY USED TO CALCULATE PROJECT SAVINGS <br />The mctliodology used for projecting savings resulting from the implementation of the proposed project is <br />summarized in the followvtg equation: <br />Annual Satins = E'rieW Savings + Operational Savings <br />Operational Savings = Operational & Maintenance Savings (O &M) + <br />Capital Cost Avoidance <br />VItc•re: <br />Annual Savings: 'Ilic total animal savings associated with implementation of this project. This is the <br />savings figure (lilt will be used for comparison to the Guaranteed Sayings <br />as part of the Guarantee Reconciliation, <br />Fnetgy Savings: 77e. total 1>nergy Savings associated with reduction in crier@- consumption as a result <br />of implementation of this project. <br />Operational and Alainte.nance Savings (O &M): The total Operational and \laintenancc <br />Savings (0& : \7) savings associated with reduction in operations, <br />mainrenance and repair related expenses as a result of implementation of <br />this project. <br />Capital Cost Avoidaoee: '11iis is defined as future capital expenditures (outlay) that the Customer should <br />have budgeted over a certain period of tine to eventually replace the <br />cystern / equipment / etc. that arc included in the Scope of Services. This <br />is an annualized value and is also referred to as avoided capital. The EC \Is <br />included in the Scope of Services have been analyzed and the future capital <br />replacement expenditures that would otherwise be associated with each <br />ECU have been estimated and reviewed / discussed with the Customer. <br />1IVAC Calculations — arc derived from Pan and Pump Laws and are documented in: <br />a. Pan Laws — 200S AST IRAP Handbook 1-ICAC Svstcnis & Euuinmtent P. 20.4 <br />b. Fan laws — '1'rautr . \ir Crnnliriopi�, \fanud — : \ \IC.\ Standard — ? ?;i Tcst Code• (lit' <br />Moving and ('ouclitioning Association) Bullerin 210 <br />].ightiitg Calculations — Wattage:z for all proposed lamps, ballasts, and tlmtres arc based upon mamtfacmrer's <br />data which is determined in accordance with: <br />C. JFSNA IAT- 9 and 1.\I -110 standard (Ilhnninating Engineering Society of North America) <br />Roofing calculations arc derived front standard thennodvnantic and lieat transfer equations in compliance <br />with .1011R\E and AFP standard methodologies.. <br />Operational and Maintenance Sayings (O&U) are the result of a review of actual bills front the Clients location <br />and the ratings that will he derived Front the elimination or moderation of those expenses by implenteniation <br />of this project. As is common in the industry ,'Ilic O&M savings numbers represents less than 10ns: of the <br />encrGr savings, leas than T %of the total O & \I Uudpet; nd Iess 1.''b of the lines items related to 1.i�htinG, <br />Controls, and Mechanical work. <br />Capital Cost Avoided Savings are based upon RS \[cans constriction estimates and those calculations are <br />located at tite end of this attachment. <br />58 <br />