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of the Guarantee Period. By written notice to Ameresco provided no later than ninery (90) days prior to the <br />con»nencenycnt of a Guarantee Year, Customer, in its sole discretion, may elect to discontinue the AI &V Services, <br />provided however, the Guaranteed Savings will be deemed achieved for the balance of the Guarantee Period and <br />na fnrdrer Al &P Services will be perfomyed. ' lie Guaranteed Sayings will be dectned achieved for each year for <br />which AI &V Services arc not required to be performed. <br />The Customer must pay the stated M& V fee listed in Attachment I in each given year for the Nf&- \' Services to <br />be provided as required by the Section 3(d) of the ESA. Failure to pat} the M&N' Service fee on an annual basis <br />will result in ternination of the AI &V Services, and the Guaranteed Sayings shall he dectned achieved for the <br />balance of the Guarantee Period. <br />In the event of early termination of this .Agmement or of the AI&V $entices, unless termination is effective on <br />the last day of the Guarantee Year then in effect, no Annual AI &\' Report will be produced for the Guarantee <br />Year then in effect, and the Guaranteed Sayings shall be decoyed achieved for the Guarantee Year then in effect <br />and for the balance of the Guarantee Period. <br />Routine and Non - Routine Adjustments to the Baseline <br />This Attachment D: Savings Alcasurcmcm and Verification Plan describes the specific oneasureoyent and <br />verification plan for each cnergc conscrvition measure. Contained within each plan are the calculation fornndas <br />for determining energy sayings, including adjusnnents to the energy baseline during the Guarantee Period to <br />address routine and non - routine adjustments. Baseline adjustments for routine and non- routine adjustments are <br />discussed below: <br />Routine Adjustments <br />Routine adjustments are changes to the baseline cnergc consumption due to factors vahich arc both significant <br />to the cnergc consumption and var% predictable. Factors resulting in routine adjusnnents include, but lire not <br />limited to, vyeather, building temperature setpoint, hours of operation, and number of occupants. Routine <br />adjustments, if required according to the respective measurement and verificarion plan, will be perfotyned <br />annually and will affect the perfornyvnce period in which the adjustment occurs only, and will not be continued <br />into later perfomyancc periods. If routine ndjustnycnrs result in a reduction of rnergc savings and :ire bccond the <br />control of .lnyereseo, the value of the savings guat:mtee will be reduced by the magnitude of the' routine <br />adjuisnucnt. <br />Non - Routine Adjustments <br />Non- routine adjustments are changes to the baseline energy consumption clue to factors that are significant to <br />the energy consumption but do not can' predictably. Factors resulting in non - rourinc adjustments include, but <br />are not limited to, additions or reductions to the area of a building, changes to the use of a building, installation, <br />modification, or replaccn ant of equipment, and changes to the building envelope. Non - routine adjustments, if <br />required according to the respective nyeasurement and verification plan, will be performed once and will be <br />affective for the renyainder of the perfurinance period. if non - routine adjustments result in a redaction of energy <br />savings and are beyond the control of Ameresco, the value of the savings gnatantee will be reduced by the <br />magnitude of the routine adjustment. <br />Reporting of Routine and Nmy- Routine Adjustments <br />Both Anycreuo and Customs r share rcepotysibilin in idcntifring rourinc and iron - routine adjnstncnts. Ameresco <br />will monitor key parameters and perforny site visits as required per the mcasurement and verification plan. If, <br />doling the course of these actions, .lnleresco identifies operations or changes to the buildings or systems that <br />would result in a baseline adjustment, Ailleresco will notify Customer accordingly as outlined in the nye•asurenycnt <br />and verification plan. Cnstonyer is nbligatod ro notify . \nu•resco wLcn nyatc•rial changes occur w8thin nc� facilities <br />and provide additional information, if required, to perfonu baseline adjnsnneyts, including, but not limited to, <br />equipment submittals, building plans, and dates that such changes occurred. .lmcresco will calculate baseline <br />adjustments, wlyen required, and submit the results to Customer and it agents. <br />Guarantee Reconciliation <br />If, for any Guarantee Year during the Guarantee Period, the Guaranteed Savings is not achieved, as evidenced <br />In- the fact that the cunmdative .annual Savim,s as detailed in the Annual \I&\" Report is less than the cumulafiye <br />56 <br />