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Change <br />CUS'I'O.NfVR: <br />Department: <br />ATTACHMENT <br />CHANGE ORDER <br />Request <br />Project No. Contact No. Site: <br />Title: <br />I. REQUEST <br />Date: <br />(a) Requested by Of <br />(b) Description of change <br />II. AMERESCO's AGREEMENT <br />No. <br />For all costs involved in thin change including extensions of time herein requested, Anu•resco proposes to <br />perform the work described in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement for the price a, follows. <br />Payment sball be made on the basis of: <br />(a) Predctemuincd lump sum toad of <br />Place an "N" beside selected proposal method and strike out either (add) or (deduct) whichever does not apply. <br />If ine•eessan', attach detailed estimates ;cod breakdown for above in accordance xcidt change order instntction. A <br />doim for uvork perfotnccl Under protest may be submitted per (c) above. <br />.\ ITACI INIHNTS <br />jl'ailor to Ch ;m e Order and Sco e <br />:111 references in the Agreement to Attacbments shall also mean and refer to Attachments:\ -_, 13-_ etc., as a <br />separate scope of Work. .lttachments A -1 throu gli 1 -1 ,ball be read and construed sepu:tely from <br />Attachnunta A -_ through 1 -_ <br />All other provisions of the Agrecinem not expressly modified by this (:]range Order #_ shall remain in full <br />force and effect including, but not limited to, Section 2> of the Agreement, Representations and Wiminties, <br />Which representtious and oarrantie> arc incorporated herein by reference pith respect to this Change Order <br />IN WITNESS WFIEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Change Order #_ to be dull- executed and <br />50 <br />