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ECM 4.0 — HVAC System Upgrades <br />4.1, — Section B Suite and Hallway Areas Upgrades: <br />1) Remove (11) Cartier'Moduline Boxes cdth Diffusers. <br />2) Replace with (11)'fittns Boxes (or approved equal) VAV boxes and 2x2 or 2x4 standard Titus <br />I.inear slot diffusers (or approN ed equal). (Reference Attached <br />3) Remove existing Pneumatic control system and replace with new building automated control <br />System. local Suite Direct Digital Controls to modulate VAV boxes and provide: <br />a. Environmental temperature Control Oyer suite. <br />b. Occupied and Unoccupied room control from Building Automation System and new <br />occupancy sensor. <br />c. J.ord exhaust fuss ec•n•ing the suites shall be Jactivated or de;tctiyatcdJ scheduled or <br />programmed from the 13.%$ or ovetxidden by local lighting occupancy sensor inputs. <br />4) Add existing meeting room exhaust fan control to new DDC system additions. <br />5) Lighting Upgrades will install occupancy sensors in rooms /areas being reworked. Coordinate <br />With lighting contractor (2v11 set of contracts) to use new lighting occupancy sensors to close <br />\'AV Boxes and turn off exhaust fans serving area. <br />6) Reference Ceiling'File Replacement and Upgrade <br />4.2. — Mechanical — Isolation Dampers on AHU -1, 2 and 8 <br />-) Isolation Dampers - In conjunction with #1 and #3 above, install 13DC system controlled <br />isolation dampers to isolate different areas that are served by the same AI it! (i.e. office area vs. <br />ball room, nicvting room vs. lov-er level kitdieu, etc.) (lZetermce Drawings) <br />3) 0:1 and R,A Dampers — Repair or replace complete danipc•rs/ .seals and /or linkages on outside <br />and return air dampers on Al IL "s. 1 -1I. (See Spreadsheet for listing) <br />4.3. — Mechanical — Update and Repair Variable Frequency Drive to Air Handling Units <br />9) IZeplxec or add ihirtcen (13) Graham variable fregncnec drives or acid VFll's nn _111L'- <br />2,.i, {5,6,5,7(t,l 1, 12 anJ integrating their supporting Kehmi /Exhaust bans F- 19,'_3, 2 -, 3 {. <br />(r(?ference .11 IU Spreadsheet) <br />4.4. — Mechanical — VFD's on Cooling and Heating Water Loop Pump and Valves. <br />10) Replace existing chilled crater punip(s) kith new .lrnistrong puoip(s) with integrated Danfoss <br />VED (or approved equal solution). <br />a. Replace existing '-way chilled ccatcr calves with new Be into 2 -wny electronic calves on: <br />.1111' -1, 3, 4, 5, 6. <br />11) Replace existing hot ccatcr pump(,) with new.lrnistrong primp(,) cvitli integrated Danfoss VFD <br />(or approved egmd solution). <br />a. Replace existing .3 -way hot crater valves with new Behnio 2 -%vay electronic valves on: AIfU- <br />1,3, 4.3. 6. <br />b. Reference .Attached Pump Schedule <br />4.5. — Mechanical — Chiller and Cooling Toner Repair and Reyvork <br />34 <br />