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REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 17 2014 gg <br />The Board of Public Safety met in the Regular Meeting at 9:45 a.m. on Wednesday, December 17, <br />2014, with Board President Laura Vasquez and Board Members Eddie Miller, John Collins, Luther <br />Taylor, and Daniel Jones present. Also present were Police Chief Ronald Teachtnan, Assistant Fire <br />Chief Todd Skwarcan, and Attorney Tasba Outlaw. The meeting was held in thelP Floor <br />Boardroom, County -City Building, 227 West Jefferson Blvd., South Bend, Indiana <br />APPROVE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Taylor and carried, the Board approved the Minutes <br />of the Public Agenda Session, Executive Session, and Regular Meetings of November 19, 2014 and <br />the Special Meetings of November 24 and December 3, 2014, as presented. <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />APPROVE AND ENTER FINDINGS OF FACT — JACK STILP <br />President Vasquez stated on June 25, 2014, Police Chief Ronald Tcachman recommended that due to <br />disciplinary charges against Patrolman Jack Stilp, he be terminated from employment with the South <br />Bend Police Department. Patrolman Stilp requested a hearing before the Board of Safety on July 3, <br />2014. On November 24, 2014 the Board of Safety held a Special Meeting to hear th e charges against <br />Patrolman Stilp. President Vasquez stated the Board is now presentin <br />the disciplinary hearing recommending that Patrolman Jack Sg the Findings of Fact regarding placed on suspension without <br />in tilp pay for a period of ninety (90) calendar days and upon return to work, that he be reduced in rank for a <br />period of six (6) months from Patrolman First Class to Patrolman. President Vasquez stated the <br />effective dates of the suspension and demotion will be determined . Chief President Vasquez <br />Therefore, <br />upon a motion by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Taylor and carried, the Findings of Factn. Therefore, <br />the <br />disciplinary charges were approved. Ms. Vasquez and Mr. Jones voted in opposition of the Findings <br />of Fact, <br />ACCEPT AND APPROVE DECLARATION FOR RETIREMENT — JOSEPH LAUCK <br />President CourelI advised that Police Chief Ronald Teachman has submitted to the Board the <br />Application and Declaration for Retirement for Patrolman Joseph Lauck effective January 15, 2015. <br />Chief Teachman noted that Patrolman Lauck is retiring in good standing after serving twenty-nine <br />(29) years, nine (9) months and thirteen (13) days on the department. Chief Teacltrnan joined the <br />Board in thanking him for his years of service to the South Bend Police Department and the citizens <br />of South Bend. Upon a motion made by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Taylor and carried, the <br />retirement was accepted and approved. <br />APPROVE 2015 -2016 POLICE WORKING AGREEMENT <br />Attorney Cory Hamel presented the Boardthe final 2015 -2016 Working Agreement between the City <br />Of South Bend and the Fraternal Order of Police. He noted the Board approved the agreement at their <br />last meeting of November 19, 2014, subject to the final document being presented at this month's <br />meeting. Upon amotion by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Mr. Jones and carried, the Working Agreement <br />was approved in final form and signed. <br />ADOPT RESOLUTION NO.56 -2014 — ESTABLISHING THE 2015 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR <br />THE SOUTH BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />Upon a motion by Mr. Miller, seconded by Mr. Collins and carried the following resolution was <br />adopted by the Board of Safety setting the 2015 IIoliday Schedule for the South Bend Police <br />Department: <br />RESOLUTION A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF PUBLIC. SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SOUTH <br />BEND, INDIANA ESTABLISHING THE 2015 HOLIDAY SCHEDULE FOR THE <br />SOUTH BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Public Safety of the City of South Bend, Indiana, is empowered by <br />law to establish rules and regulations for the South Bend Police Department; and <br />WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the City of South Bend that the Police Department <br />holidays be set with certainty. <br />