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ii. Will not fundamentally alter the City's approved Comprehensive Plan also commonly referred <br />to as City Plane, and any approved neighborhood plan, all of which are on file in the Office of <br />the City Clerk <br />b. An undue financial or administrative burden analysis consists of <br />i. Determining whether the request for a reasonable accommodation will cause significant and <br />identifiable financial costs to the City. <br />ii. A waiver or modification of zoning requirements generally is not an undue burden if it does <br />not impose any concrete, identifiable financial cost(s) to the City. An example of a waiver <br />would be where a person requests a reasonable accommodation to allow an exception to a <br />setback requirement so that a wheelchair ramp may be constructed to gain access to his or her <br />dwelling. <br />c. A fundamental alteration analysis3 consists of- <br />i. Based on analysis, a requested accommodation may be unreasonable if it would substantially <br />change the nature of the zoning plan. <br />ii. The analysis is based on a fact - specific, case -by -case analysis and determination. <br />iii. The analysis takes into consideration the guidance from the U.S. Department of Justice and the <br />U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that "what is reasonable in one circumstance <br />may not be reasonable in another ".' <br />2 The South Bend Common Council adopted Resolution No. 3657 -06 on November 13, 2006, which approved the <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />3 28 Code of Federal Regulations § 35.130(b)(7) requires a public entity to make reasonable modifications in policies, practices <br />or procedures when the modifications are necessary to avoid discrimination on the basis of disability, unless the public entity <br />can demonstrate that make the modifications would fundamentally alter the nature of the service, program, or activity. Wong <br />v. Regents of the Univ. of Cal., 192 F. 3d 807 (1999) notes that the "issue of reasonableness depends on the individual <br />circumstances of each case, (with) this determination requiring a fact - specific, individualized analysis of the disabled <br />individual's circumstances..." <br />See: "Joint Statement of the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, <br />Group Homes, Local Land Use, and the Fair Housing Act", set forth in the Appendix. <br />littt)://www.usdi.voy/crt/housingLIWI8 l.htm. <br />