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BILL NO. 67-08 -TRANSFER REQUEST AMONG VARIOUS ACCOUNTS IN FUND 212 OF <br />COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT <br />Jeff Gibney, Director, Community & Economic Development Department, explained this was a <br />companion bill to the '09 CDBG appropriation bill specifically to allow transfer and re-allotment of <br />'08 CDBG monies. Gibney explained that the federal funding cycle pre-determines the need to <br />re-program unspent dollars. <br />Councilmember Puzzello asked about the status of the "Christmas in April" plan. <br />Gibney said the program now called "Rebuilding Together" would focus on River Park in '09 <br />Councilmember Rouse asked about the status of the "Indiana Plan." <br />Judy Rosheck said it is gone for'09 adding HUD severely restricts use of this money. <br />Rouse asked how much latitude the city had using the dollars stating the uses should reflect the <br />Council's priorities. <br />Gibney promised more Council input into allowable uses in 2010. <br />Citizen Member M. Catherine Andres made a motion, seconded by Citizen Member Mark Smith <br />to send this bill to the full Council favorably. <br />BILL N0.08-100 -RESIDENTIAL TAX ABATEMENT -CRESCENT OAKS II - TAMPICO <br />DEVELOPMENT <br />Bob Mathia, Community & Economic Development Department reported this five (5) year <br />residential abatement request was for 19.9 acres (80 lots) in the Crescent Oaks II Development. <br />He said the zoning was okay and all requirements of the petition had been met. <br />Derek Spier from the Abonmarch Group representing Tampico made the presentation. Along <br />with the presentation he supplied an aerial handout (see attachment) <br />Councilmember Puzzello made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Karen White to send this <br />bill to the full Council favorably. Councilmember Henry Davis voted against. <br />BILL N0.08-101 - RESIDENTIAL TAX ABATEMENT PETITION FOR ROYAL OAK ESTATES <br />SECTION 2 & 3 FOR FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK <br />Bob Mathia of the Community & Economic Development Department again reported the financial <br />particulars and stated all requirements had been met in the application. <br />Citizen Member Mark Smith suggested a review of the criteria for eligibility for residential tax <br />abatement. Councilmember Henry Davis, Jr. agreed. <br />Councilmember Puzzello made a motion, seconded by Councilmember Karen White to send this <br />bill to the full Council favorably. Councilmember Henry Davis voted against. <br />