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Substitute Bill No. 59 -14 <br />Ordinance No. <br />AN ORDINANCE OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />AMENDING SECTION 6 -37.1 OF THE SOUTHBEND MUNICIPAL CODE ADDRESSING <br />VACANT BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND REGISTRATION <br />STATEMENT OF PURPOSE AND INTENT <br />On November 26, 2007, the South Bend Common Council passed Ordinance No. 9810 -07. That <br />ordinance created city -wide regulations addressing the registration and maintenance of vacant and <br />abandoned buildings. In 2007, the City of South Bend initiated a three -year program costing $6.825 <br />million to reduce the City's vacant houses by more than 115 and to reduce abandoned houses by 27 %. <br />On February 27, 2013, the "Vacant & Abandoned Properties Task Force Report" was released <br />with Mayor Pete Buttigieg called for 1,000 houses to be addressed in 1,000 days. A combination of <br />rehabilitation and demolition activities has been ongoing. The original version of this ordinance was filed <br />on October 21, 2014, and it was noted that as of date 606 properties had been addressed. <br />The Department of Code Enforcement has reported that 930 properties have been mailed vacant <br />and abandoned registration letters as of August 2014, summarized as follows: 248 (27 %) were sent to out <br />of state owners; 225 (24 %) were sent to various forms of companies; 26 (3 %) were sent to banks; 32 (3 %) <br />were sent to land trusts; 16 (2 %) were sent to various forms of non -profit corporations; with the remainder <br />being federally - owned. <br />The ongoing costs to the City of South Bend for implementation and enforcement of this program <br />continue to increase. Therefore, the following fee adjustments are believed to be in the best interests of <br />the City of South Bend, Indiana. <br />✓.� �; G /er u�. r t idaiiime'l/ /i/e iJIIyelne97 <br />Section I. Section 6- 37.1(h) of Chapter 6, Article 8 of the South Bend Municipal Code is hereby <br />amended to read as follows: <br />(h) Registration Fees. <br />(1) The owner of any building required to be register under this section shall pay an annual <br />registration fee to the Department of Code Enforcement upon registration. However, the owner <br />of a building that is vacant but not abandoned within the meaning of this section, who <br />voluntarily registers the building pursuant to Subsection (d)(3), is not required to pay a <br />registration fee. <br />(2) If the building is used for or zoned for residential purposes and contains not more than three <br />(3) residential units the registration fee shall be fifty . dollars ($50 <br />-�v0) three hundred dollars per <br />year. <br />