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NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section T. It is in the best interest of the City of South Bend and the area proposed to be <br />annexed that the real property located in German township, St. Joseph County, Indiana, <br />described more particularly as follows, be annexed to the City of South Bend: <br />A part of the West Half of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 20, <br />Township 38 North, Range 2 East, which part is bounded by a line running as <br />follows, viz.: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the West Half of the West Half <br />of the Northwest Quarter of said section, township, and range; thence S 000 <br />45'08" E a distance of 40 feet to the South Right of Way line of Brick Road, a <br />point to be known as point of beginning; thence S 890 33'38" W a distance of <br />99.00 feet; thence S 000 45' 05" E a distance of 124.87 feet; thence N 890 33' 38" <br />E a distance of 99.00 feet; thence N 000 45'08" W to the point of beginning. <br />Also, beginning at the above mentioned point of beginning, thence Easterly along <br />the centerline of Brick Road a distance of 230 feet; thence South a distance of 20 <br />feet; thence Westerly along a line parallel and 20 feet to the south of the said <br />centerline a distance of 230 feet; thence North 20 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Section II. It shall be and hereby is now declared and established that it is the policy of <br />the City of South Bend, to famish services to said territory of a non - capital nature, such as street <br />and road maintenance, police and fire protection within one (1) year of the effective date of the <br />annexation, in a manner equivalent in standard and scope to the services furnished by the City to <br />other areas of the City regardless of similar topography, patterns of land use, or population <br />density; and to furnish to said territory services of a capital improvement nature, such as sewer <br />ant water facilities, within four (4) years of the effective date of the annexation in the same <br />manner as those services are provided to areas within the corporate boundaries of the City of <br />South Bend regardless of similar topography, patterns of land use, or population density, and in a <br />manner consistent with federal, state and local laws, procedures, and planning criteria. <br />Section III. The South Bend Common Council for the City of South Bend shall and does <br />hereby now establish and adopt the fiscal plan described in Exhibit "A ", attached hereto and <br />made a part hereof, for the furnishing of said services to the territory to be annexed. <br />Section TV, This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and of its date of <br />adoption by the Common Council and approval by the Mayor. <br />PRESENTED S -\O-Ix <br />NOT APPROVED <br />ADOPTED S —W-1 I <br />Member, South Bend Common Council <br />Pied M Office <br />12_PR 12 1599 <br />Lc <br />CODA <br />CfTT CLEilK, 0.3F'e,'&,h, <br />