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ORDINANCE NO. <br />AN ORDINANCE TRANSFERRING MONEY FROM ACCCUNP NUMBER <br />T -726, TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND OTHER EQUIPMENT, BOARD <br />OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY - TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, TO <br />ACCOUNT NUMBER T -724# MOTOR EQUIPMENT* BOARD OF PUBLIC <br />WORKS AND SAFETY — TRAFFIC DEPARTMENT, #180050, AND <br />DECLARING AN EXTRAORDINARY EMERGENCY. <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the.Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indians <br />Section 1s That the following money be, and the same hereby is, <br />transferred from Account Number T -726, Traffio.Signals and Other Equipment, <br />Board of Public Works and Safety - Traffic Departments to and is appropriated <br />for the uses and purposes of the following budgetary item in the budget of <br />the Board of Public Works and Safety - Traffic Department of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, for the year 1948, to —Wit: To Account Number _T•724 <br />Motor Equipment, Board of Public Works and Safety - Traffic Department, <br />$180 *500 <br />Section 2, That the above funds are required for the proper <br />operation and function of the aforementioned department, and an extraordinary <br />emergency is declared to exist concerning the foregoing transfer and <br />appropriation* <br />Section 3. Slat this Ordinance shall be in fall force and effect <br />from after its passage by the Common Councils its approval by the Mayor# and <br />the fulfillment of all statutory requirements relating to extraordinary <br />appropriations. <br />m 4(• V V __ <br />0e oZommon Eo <br />181? 2nd P,EA..C'Ma <br />CCNIMITTEE CF THE WNU 4/-/ a <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />3rd REAMS t/ /a <br />NOT A'`PftM <br />REf[iUM <br />PAM <br />