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Except as follows: <br />All lamps of types and sizes provided for in that <br />pertain agreement between the parties hereto, dated July 17, 1944, <br />shall be billed at the rates and prices agreed to in the said <br />agreement dated July 17, 1944 until ninety -five percent (95 %) of the <br />new overhead lamps specified in Paragraph 1.:B above and seventy - <br />five percent (75%) of the new underground lamps specified in <br />paragraph 1.'B above, are placed in service, then from and after such <br />date, and for the duration of this agreement, all lamps (specified <br />in 1.A and 1.B above) then and thereafter in service, shall be paid <br />for by the City at the rate and price therefor hereinabove specified.: <br />Bills shall be due and payable on or before the fifteenth <br />day of the month succeeding that in which the service is rendered.' <br />The City agrees that in case any additional lamps are <br />ordered it will pay for the same at the rates and in the manner <br />above specified for and during the period from the date of the <br />installation of such lamps until the termination of the agreement.:. <br />7. The Contractor shall, at its own cost, furnish all <br />lamp renewals during the term of the agreement: <br />8.' This agreement shall be and remain in full force and <br />effect for a period of ten (10) years from and after the first day <br />of January 1950s, and thereafter in successive periods of one year <br />each, until either party shall give at least sixty days' notice in <br />writing to the other of its intention to discontinue the service <br />at the end of any of said periods: <br />9.' If the City shall make default in the payment of any <br />bills as hereinbefore provided, the Contractor may at its option, <br />after having given ten dayst written notice of its intention so to <br />do, discontinue the service herein contracted for and continue to <br />withhold the supply of electric energy for street lighting until <br />such time as the City has made payment for all bills in which it <br />is in arrears. Ani such suspension of service by the Contractor <br />shall not terminate this agreement unless Contractor so elects.'. <br />Otherwise, upon payment by the City of the amount it is in arrears, <br />MIM <br />