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ORIiINiiN CE NUMBER &2 0 <br />BE IT OM INED by the Common Council of the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana, that Zoning Ordinance No. 3702 heretofore <br />adopted on June 13, 1949, be, and the same is hereby amended as <br />follows; <br />SECTION I. <br />That the zoning classification of the North 200 <br />feet of the North East quarter of the North. East quarter of <br />Section No. 26, Township No. 37 North, flange No. 2 East, that lies <br />South and East of the Pennsylvania Railroad (formerly the Vandalia <br />Railroad,) be and the same is hereby changed from "B" residential <br />district and "B" Height and Area district to "E" heavy industrial <br />district and "F" Height and Area district. <br />SECTION II. <br />This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from <br />and after its passage, approval by the mayor and legal publication. <br />Ptem er of t e Common Council <br />W& 2„d READING <br />OOMW TEE Rf THE WNLI <br />PUBLIC NEARING <br />3rd READINQ <br />NOT APPROFIM <br />REFERRED <br />