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the City has faithfully performed and is in compliance with each of its obligations, <br />agreements and covenants contained in the Financial Assistance Agreement and this <br />Amended Ordinance, and (iii) the city is in compliance with its waterworks permits, <br />except for non-compliance for which purpose the 2000 Bonds are issued, including <br />refunding bonds issued prior to, but part of the overall plan to eliminate such non- <br />compliance. <br />Unless the Prior Ordinances require otherwise, in the event available moneys are <br />insufficient to pay debt service on the 2000 Bonds and any Parity Bonds when due, available moneys <br />shall be applied, after payment of all costs and expenses associated therewith, to the 2000 Bonds and <br />any Parity Bonds as follows: to the payment to the persons entitled thereto of all unpaid installments <br />of interest then due on, and the unpaid principal of, the 2000 Bonds and any Parity Bonds, including <br />interest on any past due principal of any 2000 Bond or Parity Bonds at the rate borne by such 2000 <br />Bond or Parity Bonds, in the order of the maturity of the installments of such interest and the due <br />dates of such principal and, if the amount available shall not be sufficient to pay in full any particular <br />installment of interest or maturity of principal, then to such payment ratably, according to the <br />amounts so due, to the persons entitled thereto, without any discrimination or privilege or any <br />preference of or priority of interest over principal or principal over interest. <br />During the continuance of any default in the payment of either principal of or interest <br />or premium on any 2000 Bonds or Parity Bonds, no payment shall be made with respect to any <br />subordinate obligations issued pursuant to Section 21(e). Moneys available for payment to holders <br />of such subordinate obligations shall, in the event of an insufficient amount being available to pay <br />all debt service with respect to the subordinate obligations when due, be applied to the subordinate <br />obligations in accordance with the sequence and other terms set forth above with respect to payments <br />regarding 2000 Bonds and Parity Bonds unless otherwise provided in the ordinance authorizing the <br />subordinate obligations. <br />SECTION 21. Further Covenants of the City. For the purpose of further <br />safeguarding the interests of the owners of the 2000 Bonds, it is hereby specifically provided as <br />follows: <br />(a) The City, through the Board, shall at all times maintain the works in <br />good condition, and operate the same in an efficient manner and at a reasonable cost. <br />(b) So long as any of the 2000 Bonds are outstanding, the City, through <br />the Board, shall maintain insurance on the insurable parts of the works, acceptable <br />to the State of Indiana including fidelity bonds, of a kind and in an amount such as <br />would normally be carried by private entities engaged in a similar type of business. <br />All insurance shall be placed with responsible insurance companies qualified to do <br />business under the laws of the State of Indiana. Insurance proceeds shall be used in <br />replacing or repairing the property destroyed or damaged, or if not used for that <br />purpose, shall be treated and applied as Net Revenues. <br />-23- <br />