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bank accounts shall be deposited, held and secured as public funds in accordance with the public <br />depository laws of the State of Indiana; provided, that moneys therein may be invested in obligations <br />in accordance with the applicable laws, including particularly Indiana Code, Title 5, Article 13, <br />Chapter 9 as amended or supplemented, and in the event of such investment the income therefrom <br />shall become a part of the funds invested and shall be used only as provided in this Amended <br />Ordinance. <br />SECTION 17. Financial Records and Accounts. The City shall keep proper records <br />and books of account, separate from all of its other records and accounts, in which complete and <br />correct entries shall be made showing all revenues received on account of the operation of the utility <br />and all disbursements made therefrom and all transactions relating to the utility. The City shall <br />maintain on file the audited financial statements of the utility prepared by the State Board of <br />Accounts. There shall be furnished, upon written request, to any owner of the 2000 Bonds, the most <br />recent copy of the audited financial statements ofthe utility prepared by the State Board of Accounts. <br />Copies of all such statements and reports shall be kept on file in the office of the Fiscal Officer. <br />If the Bonds are sold to the Indiana Bond Bank or the State of Indiana to finance <br />Eligible Costs, the City shall establish and maintain the books and other financial records of the <br />Project (including the establishment of a separate account or subaccount for the Project) and the <br />waterworks in accordance with (i) generally accepted governmental accounting standards for <br />utilities, on an accrual basis, as promulgated by the Government Accounting Standards Board and <br />(ii) the rules, regulations and guidance of the State Board of Accounts. <br />SECTION 18. Rate Covenant. The City, by and through the Board and to the fullest <br />extent permitted by law, shall establish, fix, maintain and collect reasonable and just rates and <br />charges for the use of and the services rendered by the works so that such rates and charges shall <br />produce revenues at least sufficient in each year to provide for the proper Operation and Maintenance <br />(as defined in the Financial Assistance Agreement) of the waterworks, to comply with and satisfy <br />all covenants contained in this ordinance and the Financial Assistance Agreement and to pay <br />obligations of the waterworks and of the City with respect to the waterworks. Such rates and charges <br />shall, if necessary, be changed and readjusted from time to time so that the revenues therefrom shall <br />always be sufficient to meet the expenses of Operation and Maintenance of the waterworks and the <br />requirements of the Sinking Fund. The rates and charges so established shall apply to any and all <br />use of such works by and service rendered to the City, and shall be paid by the City as the charges <br />accrue. So long as any of the 2000 Bonds are outstanding, none of the facilities and services <br />afforded by the works shall be furnished without a reasonable and just charge being made therefor. <br />SECTION 19. Defeasance. If, when the 2000 Bonds or a portion thereof shall have <br />become due and payable in accordance with their terms or shall have been duly called for redemption <br />or irrevocable instructions to call the 2000 Bonds or a portion thereof for redemption shall have been <br />given, and the whole amount of the principal, premium, if any, and the interest so due and payable <br />upon such 2000 Bonds or any portion thereof then outstanding shall be paid, or (I) cash, (ii) direct <br />non-callable obligations of (including obligations issued or held in book-entry form on the books <br />of) the U. S. Department of the Treasury, the principal of and the interest on which when due without <br />reinvestment will provide sufficient money, or (iii) any combination of the foregoing, shall be held <br />-21- <br />