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exceed one percent of the aggregate principal amount of the 2000 Bonds as a guaranty of the <br />performance of said bid, should it be accepted. In the event no satisfactory bids are received on the <br />day named in the sale notice, the sale maybe continued from day to day thereafter for a period of <br />thirty (30) days without readvertisement; provided, however, that if said sale is continued, no bid <br />shall be accepted which offers an interest cost which is equal to or higher than the best bid received <br />at the time fixed for sale in the bond sale notice. The Fiscal Officer shall have full right to reject any <br />and all bids. <br />(ii) As an alternative to public sale, the Fiscal Officer may negotiate the sale of <br />the 2000 Bonds to the State of Indiana or the Indiana Bond Bank at an interest rate or rates not <br />exceeding 2.9% per annum. The Mayor and the Fiscal Officer are hereby authorized to (A) submit <br />an application to the State of Indiana and the Indiana Bond Bank, (B) execute a purchase agreement <br />with the Indiana Bond Bank, and (C) sell such bonds upon such terms as are acceptable to the Mayor <br />and the Fiscal Officer consistent with the terms of this Amended Ordinance. <br />The Financial Assistance Agreement for the 2000 Bonds and the Project shall be <br />executed by the City and the State of Indiana. The substantially final form of Financial Assistance <br />Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference is hereby approved by <br />the Council, and the Mayor and Fiscal Officer are hereby authorized to execute and deliver the same, <br />and to approve any changes in form or substance to the Financial Assistance Agreement, such <br />approval to be conclusively evidenced by its execution. <br />(b) The 2000 Bonds, when fully paid for and delivered to the purchaser shall be the <br />binding special revenue obligations of the City, payable out of the Net Revenues. The proper <br />officers of the City are hereby directed to sell the 2000 Bonds to the purchaser, to draw all proper <br />and necessary warrants, and to do whatever acts and things which may be necessary to carry out the <br />provisions of this Amended Ordinance. <br />After the 2000 Bonds have been properly sold and executed, except to the extent <br />otherwise required by I.C. §36-4-6-19(f), the Fiscal Officer shall receive from the purchasers <br />payment for the 2000 Bonds and shall provide for delivery of the 2000 Bonds to the purchasers. The <br />City may receive payment for the 2000 Bonds in installments. <br />(c) The Executive and the Fiscal Officer each are hereby authorized to deem final <br />an official statement with respect to the 2000 Bonds, as of its date, in accordance with the provisions <br />of Rule 15c2-12 of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, as amended (the "SEC Rule"), <br />subj ect to completion as permitted by the SEC Rule, and the City further authorizes the distribution <br />of the deemed final official statement, and the execution, delivery and distribution of such document <br />as further modified and amended with the approval of the Executive or the Fiscal Officer in the form <br />of a final official statement. <br />In order to assist any underwriter of the 2000 Bonds in complying with paragraph <br />(b)(5) of the SEC Rule by undertaking to make available appropriate disclosure about the City and <br />the 2000 Bonds to participants in the municipal securities market, the City hereby covenants, agrees <br />and undertakes, in accordance with the SEC Rule, unless excluded from the applicability of the SEC <br />-17- <br />