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property resulting from a snow storm requires emergency action. <br />Section II. Chapter 20, Article 7, Section 20 -104 shall be and hereby is amended to read <br />in its entirety as follows: <br />Sec. 20 -104. Snow removal conditions. <br />(a) If the mayor or, iii his absene , the e? 4y engineer-Director of Public Works for the <br />City of South Bend, or in their absenee , the mayor's designee, determines that <br />the actual or expected accumulation of snow, sleet, hail, ice and/or freezing rain is <br />creating or will create hazardous or dangerous street and sidewalk conditions of <br />sufficient severity to require specialized snow removal procedures, the mayor or, <br />in his absenee, the Director of Public Works, or in both c <br />absenees, the mayor's designee, shall have the authority to declare that one (1) of <br />the following snow removal conditions exists: <br />(1) Snow route clearance conditions. <br />(2) residential Street clearance conditions. <br />(b) The mayor alone, or in the mayor's absence the mayor's designee shall have the <br />authority to declare that a winter weather emergency condition exists as defined at <br />Section 20- 101(d) of this Article. <br />Lc) All snow removal conditions shall be declared by the m.,.".r or-, in his absenee, the <br />eity engineer, both ° their absenees, the appropriate person, by issuing a <br />press release to local radio, television, newspaper and other news services. Such <br />declaration shall be made o~fn which contains the following information: <br />Date, time and reason for declaration, the actual or anticipated weather conditions <br />at time of declaration. Such declaration shall be signed by the mayor or, in his <br />absenee, the eity engiaeef�Director of Public Works, or absenees, <br />the mayor's designee, and a copy filed, as soon as possible, with the office of the <br />city clerk, where it shall be available for public inspection. <br />f� <br />(d) Once declared, the snow removal condition shall continue until the mayor or in-his <br />abseaee, the-eity- exgineer, Director of Public Works, or in his absenee, his the <br />mayor's designee, declares it to be ended in the same manner as provided for its <br />declaration in subsection (b). Such declaration shall be signed by the mayor or, in <br />his absenee, the eity eagi aeerDirector of Public Works, or in both <br />absences, the mayor's designee, and a copy filed, as soon as possible with the <br />office of the city clerk, where it shall be available for public inspection. Only the <br />