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Civil Rights Coalition Urges National Reforms and Recommendations to Address Police ... Page 2 of 3 <br />Attorney General Eric Holder's plan to investigate racial bias among law enforcement agencies <br />throughout the United States, is a bold first step towards justice for thousands of victims of racial <br />Profiling throughout the country. The NAACP Missouri State Conference has been a leader on <br />this front, filing five complaints with the Department of Justice, with regards to cases in St. Louis <br />County. We applaud Attorney General Holder for his leadership in investigating the police <br />interactions that resulted in the death of Michael Brown and that of others across the country. <br />Barbara R. Arnwine, President and Executive Director, Lawyers' Committee for Civil <br />Rights Under Law. <br />As the federal investigation of the Ferguson Police Department continues, revealing the actual practices <br />by the police department, including patterns of racially disproportionate policing, and as the <br />Department of Justice's study of racial bias in law enforcement gets underway, the Lawyers' Committee <br />remains hopeful that the application of the rule of law will yield a just and fair result for Michael Brown <br />and his family and former and pending police lawsuits and internal investigations nationwide. Also, the <br />Ferguson tragedy heightens national awareness of the criticality of voting. It is your right and your duty <br />to make your voice heard by exercising the fundamental right to vote to effect change in your <br />community and in the nation. <br />Clayola Brown, President, A. Philip Randolph Institute: <br />The A. Philip Randolph Institute supports the recommended strategy of reform to ensure that the <br />problem of police abuse is addressed at the highest level. We applaud the swift action of President <br />Barack Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. and the Department of Justice for taking a <br />strong stance against violence and for speaking in favor of restructuring the current landscape to <br />encourage diversity within law enforcement so that the true healing of our communities can move <br />forward. <br />Wade Henderson, President and CEO, The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human <br />Rights: <br />The Department of Justice should be commended for responding swiftly to the tragedy in <br />Ferguson and for taking steps to address racial bias in policing, which undermines effective law <br />enforcement and leads to the victimization of entire communities. The need for sensible reforms <br />is urgent and we urge the administration and Congress to respond accordingly. <br />Pamela Meanes, President, The National Bar Association: <br />The National Bar Association applauds the Department of Justice Civil Rights Division's civil <br />pattern or practice investigation into allegations of unlawful policing by the City of Ferguson. <br />Such an investigation was needed and long overdue. African American communities, such as <br />Ferguson, have routinely been subjected to Investigatory Stops without reasonable suspicion or <br />probable cause. Stops resulting in unconstitutional detentions and searches. Accordingly, The <br />National Bar Association encourages the DOJ to launch similar investigations in the 25 cities that <br />it has sent Open Records Request. More important, the Association demands Congress to <br />enactment of federal legislation: t) making it mandatory for police officers to wear body monitors <br />and any violation of this requirement would result in automatic suspension and /or termination; <br />2) developing and implementing an Early Warning System be to identify officers who are prone to <br />emotional instability or behavior problems; 3) reviewing the use of Deadly Force policies; and 4) <br />mandatory reporting of incidents by race. <br />Laura W. Murphy, Director, Washington Legislative Office, American Civil Liberties <br />Union (ACLU): <br />We are encouraged by the Attorney General's plan to investigate racial bias in law enforcement in <br />select U.S. cities and hope to see such actions replicated nationally. The Department of Justice <br />http: / / news /entry /civil- rights - coalition- urges - national - reforms- and - recom... 12/1/2014 <br />