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RESOLUTION NO. <br />A RESOLUTION OF THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />ENCOURAGING THE CITY ADMINISTRATION TO ESTABLISH A MINORITY HIRING <br />PROGRAM FOR THE FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS, TO DEVELOP AND IMPLEMENT <br />PROACTIVE POLICIES IDENTIFYING OFFICER BEHAVIOR INCONSISTENCIES AND TO LOOK <br />INTO THE NEED FOR POLICE BODY CAMERAS AND A CITIZENS REVIEW BOARD <br />91fema, the South Bend Common Council recognizes that for the past several years the Council <br />has had discussions with the City Administration on the need to develop viable programs in both the South <br />Bend Fire Department and the South Bend Police Department which prioritize minority recruitment and <br />retention for both of these public safety departments; and <br />CA(f.. the Common Council further recognizes that the neither the Fire Department or the Police <br />Department currently reflect the demographics of our City; and that the Police Department currently has <br />many openings which need to be filled in order to reach the budgeted number of sworn members; and <br />Q(fmm, on November 24, 2014, President Obama addressed the nation and noted in part that "...we <br />need to recognize that the situation in Ferguson speaks to broader challenges that we still face as a nation. <br />The fact is, in too many parts of this country, a deep distrust exists between law enforcement and <br />communities of color... the good news is we know there are things we can do to help. And I've instructed <br />Attorney General Holder to work with cities across the county to help build better relations between <br />communities and law enforcement... "; and <br />the last week in November, 2014, Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. launched the <br />Department of Justice's "National Initiative for Building Community Trust and Justice" which will study <br />five (5) cities and will focus on "training to reduce bias and ensure fairness in law enforcement "; and <br />QhC-,-d, on August 18, 2014, a "Unified Statement of Action to Promote Reform and Stop Police <br />Abuse" was issued after convening fourteen (14) national civil and human rights organizations and leaders <br />which recommended in part, in response to the events in Ferguson, Missouri: <br />"...use of body -wom cameras by police officers <br />"...the need for diversity across police departments..."; and <br />QhC—d, the City of South Bend, Indiana, has the opportunity to be a leader by moving forward on <br />discussions to address and improve many programs in these critical areas which affect our entire <br />community. <br />Section I. The Common Council believes that the Fire and Police Department of the City of South <br />Bend are the backbone of our community who provide public safety services on a 24/7 basis. <br />Section II. In order to assure that the best practices are being implemented, especially in both of <br />our public safety departments, the following topics should be timely studied, prioritized and discussed for <br />