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~BRE Bradley <br />CB RICHARD ELIIS <br />(~ctohcr ?~). 2O(1K <br />City o1'Suuth I3cnd ('omnum ('outtcil <br />Suite 400ti C'aunty-C'it}• <br />227 Vest .Ici7crson 13oulcvard <br />South Bend. Indiana 46601 <br />PO. Sox 540 <br />South Bend, IN 46624 <br />574 237 6000 Tel <br />574 237 6001 fax <br /> <br />Rc: Gateway Plaza Real I state, LLC' (the '`Petitioner'") Application 1'or Real <br />Property Tax Ahatement <br />U~ar i.adies and Gentlemen: <br />On hcltai!'ot'th+: above referenced ['ctitioncr. +ve arc requesting, pursuant to Section ?-84 <br />o1'tile Sc-uth Bend Municipal ('ode. a Special I?xccption to the Real Property 'l'ax <br />nbatrment dclinition for Vl'ar+;house Ucvclopment contained within the South Bend <br />tviunicipal Cody. 'fhe dclinition fire ~~1/archouse Development refers to: "economic <br />activities described in major groups 421.422, and 493 of the ~~'ctrth Amcriran lndtr.crr~~ <br />C'Icrs.+~i/iculiott Litirc~clSrutcs, ?O0? manual published h}' the United States Oliiee of <br />Management and Budget'ti Economic C'lassilication Policy Committee, which manual is <br />herehy incorportted by reference..." Ho~~ever. in the 2002 version of the manual the <br />economic act. vibes described in groups 421 and 422 were moved to other groups. t)ue to <br />scrivener's errors the group numhcrs +vcrc not revised +vhen reference to the 2003 version <br />ol'the manual was incorporated ir,t~~ the i;-tunicipal ('ode. Group 493 is very limited in <br />scofn: and d.~~s not include the t}~pe ul' activities to bo carried out in the building as <br />proposed M• tlt~ l=etitioncr. Groups 4'? 1 and 422 include many of those activities. <br />1'ul'ii+;l', those ~,ctivitie havz been included in groups 423.424. and 425 of the 2002 <br />manual. <br />In ~ i.;~~~ afthe above explanation. rind ~hc considerable amount ofadditional investment <br />proitosed in the City. the I'etitiuncr is requesting a Special lxceptiun for the 1'rojcct. <br />'hunk you very much fir your +:on.;iderutic,tt ,~f this rcyuest. II~}ou have any questions, <br />plcu,c i'>`+:I ~rec to contact u;. <br />~in~.ercly. <br />J ie Ruir. <br />C 3 i:ichard Ialis/llradicy <br />u5 /agent lire ~iatc•wa}• Plaza I:cai I:,tatc. I.L(. <br />