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ORDT_i,rnNC-P NO._1, -I&1__. <br />AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATII`dG FROII T_i% GEYE!U.L <br />FUND OF THE CIVIL CITY OF SOUTH BEND, INDIANA, <br />THE SUFI OF SI <. I1UNDRED ($600.00) . TO <br />Tii. PUBLIC IEALTH CLINIC, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, <br />AND DECLARING Aiu_ E- 1RAORDINARY EMERGENCY. <br />BE Iii' ORDAT ED by the Corrmon Council of the Ci t�T of South Bend, <br />Indiana: <br />Section 1, That the sum of Six Hundred. (5;600.00) <br />Dollars, be, and the same f_s hereby, appropriated from the General <br />Fund of the Civil City of South Bend, Indiana, to, and is <br />appropriated for the uses and pu'rposes,of the following budgetary <br />item and to the Department set forth below, in this Section, in <br />the budget for the year 1951, to -wit: <br />PU.'3LTC HEALTH CLINIC, <br />DEPARTMENT ,01 HEALTH: <br />U -11, Services Personal, <br />Salary of Director ,600.00 <br />Section 2. That the sure of noney enunerated in Section <br />1 of this Ordinance, is required and necessary for the proper and <br />efficient operation and function of the aforementioned Department <br />of the Government of the Civil City of South Bend, Indiana, and <br />an extraordinary emergency is hereby declared-to exist concerning <br />the foregoing appropriation. <br />Section 3. That this Ordinance shall be in full force <br />and effect from and after its passage by the Common Council, its <br />approval by the Mayor, and the fulfillment of all statutory <br />requirements relating to el.traordinary emergency appropriations. <br />Member or e ormaon c5unci <br />r`481 h 2nd READING <br />COMMITTEE OF THE <br />FLISLIC HEARING <br />3rd READING 3. <br />NOT APPROVED <br />REFERRED <br />;�?- —a e -.s-/ <br />Nov <br />PASSED 8 -- ? oG :'6-'l <br />