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A1.05 Geotechnical Services <br /> A. Perform exploratory test boring for each project in number as described below: <br /> 1. Chippewa Avenue Roundabout — eight exploratory borings. Four borings for anticipated <br /> overhead sign as well as pavement and drainage considerations. The actual location, depth <br /> and number will be dependent on the project design and 30%Plan submission. <br /> B. Borings are expected to be performed with truck mounted equipment and backfilled at the <br /> completion of filed work with auger cutting and a concrete patch at the surface. Test borings <br /> will be located using measurement from existing site features shown on 30% Plans. <br /> C. Perform appropriate laboratory test including visual soil classification, hand penetrometer <br /> readings,moisture content and grain size analysis. <br /> D. Prepare a technical report which will include a summary of finding and recommendations for <br /> geotechnical consideration regarding: <br /> 1. Subgrade preparation and improvement for support of pavement in areas of pavement <br /> replacement. <br /> 2. Pavement design parameters for AASHTO 1993 Guide for Design of Pavement Structures <br /> 3. Potential construction problems due to the subsurface conditions encountered. <br /> E. A proposed soil boring location map has been prepared for the project site. This is a tentative <br /> illustration and will be further refined with the project's design. <br /> A1.06 Utility Coordination <br /> A. The Engineer will submit utility mapping information generated in the Topographic Survey <br /> from Indiana Underground Plant Protection Service (IUPPS) located and request utility <br /> company confirmation of facility locations shown. <br /> B. The Engineer shall conduct additional office reviews, field inspections, investigations, and <br /> meetings as needed for utility relocations. The Engineer shall provide required legal notice <br /> before entering private property. <br /> C. After Public Involvement, the Engineer shall distribute plans with a tentative project schedule <br /> to the utility companies. Also, the Engineer shall request submittal of relocation plans with an <br /> estimated relocation schedule. All plan revisions affecting utilities must be sent to the affected <br /> utilities. <br /> D. The Engineer shall obtain written documentation from all utility companies whether <br /> relocations are required or not,unless instructed otherwise by the Owner. <br /> E. The Engineer shall review relocation plans and schedules to verify that all conflicts are <br /> resolved. At the appropriate time, Owner and/or Engineer will provide written notice for the <br /> utility company to proceed. <br /> Page 8 <br /> (Exhibit A—Engineer's Services) <br /> EJCDC E-500 Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services <br /> Copyright©2008 National Society of Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. <br />