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C. The Engineer shall d evelo p two (2) concept plans for the Roundabout(s) at the preferred <br /> location. Work shall include the following in refinement of previously developed work: <br /> 1. Undertake a capacity analyses and short network analysis to determine lane requirements <br /> 2. Prepare refined conceptual layout(s) and review with the Owner. <br /> 3. Submit concept plans to the Owner for review and comments. <br /> 4. Meet with the Owner for discussing merit of each concept and receiving comments. <br /> e concept layout from Owner review for further Road Plan development. The on 5. Reec P <br /> selected layout revised from Owner Arto1identify be <br /> anticipated construction limits and land <br /> sheets described in Section Al <br /> acquisition requirements. These sheets shall be submitted as a Grade Review <br /> eratioPlan Set with <br /> probable project costs for review by the Owner and the <br /> selected alternative. <br /> A1.04 Road Plan Development <br /> Plotting shall be performed by the Engineer using the digital working r conformance <br /> A. Preliminary m completed P g Survey. This shall be completed in general <br /> as part of the Topographic <br /> eer <br /> with Indiana Department of Transportation standards at appropriate incorporate orate into the pr ginred <br /> shall complete the following items within these project limits and <br /> Road Plans: <br /> 1. Identify the survey centerline,property lines and existing property owners. <br /> 2. Develop existing survey centerline profile and cross section data. <br /> 3. Describe and identify in plan survey benchmarks. <br /> 4. Identify existing buildings and other improvements within the survey limits. <br /> 5. Describe existing features as topographic notes on the developed plan sheets. <br /> g <br /> 6. Identify <br /> existing sewers and other below grade utilities based on field location(s) from plan <br /> records and field markings provided by others. <br /> 7. Reconcile and identify the survey centerline and S-lines with witness boxes from the <br /> prepared Location Control route Survey Plat. <br /> B. 30%° Plan Development shall be extended by the Engineer from the completed me le emits and <br /> Plotting phase. The Engineer shall complete the following items within project <br /> incorporate into the prepared Road Plans: <br /> 1. Develop proposed line work <br /> Page 3 4; <br /> (Exhibit A—Engineer's Services) <br /> EJCDC E-500 Agreement Between Owner and Engineer for Professional Services <br /> Copyright©2008 National Society of Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. <br />