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9. Such Expansion Area shall be designated as the "2014 Expansion <br /> Allocation Area." The Original Allocation Area shall hereafter be deemed to include the 2014 <br /> Expansion Allocation Area (the Original Allocation Area as amended by paragraph 8 and the <br /> 2014 Expansion Allocation Area are hereinafter referred to as the "Allocation Area"). <br /> 10. Any property taxes levied on property in the 2014 Expansion Allocation <br /> Area in 2014 for collection in 2015, and thereafter, except as otherwise provided in Section 39 of <br /> the Act, by or for the benefit of any public body entitled to a distribution of property taxes on <br /> taxable property in the 2014 Expansion Allocation Area shall be allocated and distributed as <br /> follows: <br /> (a) The proceeds of the taxes attributable to the lesser of: (i) the assessed <br /> value of the property for the assessment date with respect to which the L <br /> allocation and distribution is made; or (ii) the net assessed value of all the <br /> property as finally determined for the assessment date immediately <br /> preceding the effective date of these allocation provisions (as adjusted <br /> under Section 39(h) of the Act), which assessment date is March 1, 2014; <br /> shall be allocated to, and when collected, paid into the funds of the <br /> respective taxing units. <br /> (b) The excess of the proceeds of the property taxes imposed for the <br /> assessment date with respect to which the allocation and distribution is <br /> made that are attributable to taxes imposed after being approved by the <br /> voters in a referendum or a local public question conducted after April 30, <br /> 2010, not otherwise included in clause (a) shall be allocated to and, when <br /> collected, paid into the funds of the taxing unit for which the referendum <br /> or local public question was conducted. <br /> (c) Property tax proceeds in excess of those described in clause (a) and clause <br /> (b) shall be allocated to the Redevelopment District and, when collected, <br /> paid into the Allocation Fund (as defined below). <br /> (d) Proceeds distributed to the Redevelopment District pursuant to Paragraph <br /> 11(c) hereof, shall be deposited in the allocation fund previously created <br /> and designated "City of South Bend, Indiana, Department of <br /> Redevelopment, Northeast Neighborhood Development Plan, Allocation <br /> Area No. 1 Allocation Fund" (the "Allocation Fund"), and may be used <br /> only as provided in the Act, and more particularly to (i) pay the principal <br /> of and interest on any obligations payable solely from allocated tax <br /> proceeds which are incurred by the Redevelopment District for the <br /> purpose of financing or refinancing the redevelopment of the Area; <br /> (ii) establish, augment, or restore the debt service reserve for bonds <br /> payable solely or in part from allocated tax proceeds in Area; (iii) pay the <br /> principal of and interest on bonds payable from allocated tax proceeds in <br /> Area and from the special tax levied under Section 27 of the Act; (iv)pay 1' <br /> the principal of and interest on bonds issued by the City to pay for local <br /> public improvements in or serving Area; (v) pay premiums on the <br /> - 4 - <br /> US.54690935.04 <br />