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South Bend Redevelopment Commission <br /> Regular Meeting—August 14, 2014 <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS (CONT.) <br /> B. Airport Economic Development Area <br /> (3) continued... <br /> Upon a motion by Ms. Schey, seconded by Mr. Downes and unanimously carried, the <br /> Commission approved Resolution No. 3225 approving and authorizing the execution of an <br /> Addendum to the Master Agency Agreement in an amount not to exceed $2M. (Noble <br /> Americas South Bend Ethanol LLC Project) <br /> (4) Administrative Settlement for the acquisition of 1504 S. Kemble. <br /> Mr. Relos noted that on April 24, 2012 the Commission set the offering value of 1504 S. <br /> Kemble at $18,500, the average of two independent appraisals for the two-story, two- <br /> bedroom, 1174 sft residence. This is the last property west of Scott Street in the Ignition <br /> Park South. Staff has been working with the property owners for three+years to come to an <br /> agreement on the purchase. The settlement purchases the property for $40,000 plus <br /> relocation costs for the grandson and his wife who have been living in the home caring for <br /> the grandmother for ten years. The price was established by looking at comparable homes <br /> for the relocation of the grandson and by looking at the average of what we've paid for other <br /> properties in the area Staff requested approval of the Administrative Settlement. <br /> Upon a motion by Ms. Schey, seconded by Mr. Downes and unanimously carried, the <br /> Commission approved the Administrative Settlement for the acquisition of$1504 S. Kemble <br /> as described. <br /> C. West Washington-Chapin Development Area <br /> There was no business in the West Washington-Chapin Development Area <br /> D. South Side Development Area <br /> There was no business in the South Side Development Area. <br /> E. Northeast Neighborhood Development Area <br /> There was no business in the Northeast Neighborhood Development Area <br /> F. Douglas Road Development Economic Area <br /> I <br /> i <br /> There was no business in the Douglas Road Economic Development Area <br /> i <br /> i <br /> l <br /> t <br /> E <br /> 5 <br /> is <br /> i <br /> e <br />