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isotonic, and hypertonic solutions (Dextrose, Normal Saline, Ringer's Lactate); or transportation, <br />medically necessary supplies and services, and the provision of at least one (1) of the following: <br />(1) Manual defibrillation /cardioversion <br />(2) Endotrachealintubation <br />(3) Central venous line <br />(4) Cardiac pacing <br />(5) Chest decompression <br />(6) Surgical airway <br />(7) Intraosseous line <br />(g) Non - Transport Medical Calls: Means a response to a medical emergency call by ambulance <br />vehicle and the administration of ALS skills upon or medication given to a patient who then <br />refuses transport to the hospital. <br />(h) Mileage, Rural, shall apply to vehicle runs made to areas in zones or zip codes designated as rural <br />by Medicare and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in its Medicare regulations. <br />(i) The above fees shall take effect on a ;: ^ -) ! �Seotember 1. 2014. <br />Sectiop II. Chapter 9, Article 3, Section 9 -18 of the South Bend Municipal Code is <br />amended to read in its entirety as follows: <br />Sec. 9 -18. Annual Review of User Fees by Common Council Following September 1 <br />Annual Report From the South Bend Fire Department. <br />(a) The South Bend Fire Department shall prepare a report and file the same with the <br />Office of the City Clerk on or before September - une I" of each year. Said report shall <br />summarize ambulance /medical service runs as of Au x °* � �a' <br />s� of for the entire preceding <br />fiscal year by identifying the number and type of each run; amount billed; amount collected; <br />amount in collection; number of lawsuits filed; and recommendations with regard to fee <br />amounts. Any fee recommended fee adjustments shall include reasons for the requested <br />adjustments. <br />(b) The Common Council shall review the report filed annually by the South Bend Fire <br />Department. The Council's Personnel and Finance Committee and /or the Council's Health and <br />Public Safety Committee shall make a formal recommendation to the Common Council <br />following a public hearing. Data contained in the annual report and testimony provided at the <br />committee's hearing shall be used in determining fair and equitable user fees. <br />