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the meaning of the provisions and limitations of the Constitu- <br />tion of the State of Indiana. <br />Section 5. The form and tenor of said bonds, the interest <br />coupons to be attached thereto, and the form of registry endorse- <br />ment thereon shall be substantially as follows, omitting pro- <br />visions as to redemption prior to maturity in the case of bonds <br />not subject to redemption prior to maturity, all blanks to be <br />filled in properly prior to delivery thereof: <br />State of Indiana <br />No. <br />UNITED STATES OF AMERICA <br />CITY OF SOUTH BEND <br />SEWAGE WORKS REVENUE BOND <br />The City of South Bend, in <br />for value received hereby <br />this bond be registered th <br />out of the special revenue <br />principal amount of <br />ONE <br />County of St. Joseph <br />$1,000.00 <br />St. Joseph County, State of Indiana, <br />promises to pay to the bearer, or if <br />3n to the registered holder, solely <br />fund hereinafter referred to, the <br />THOUSAND DOLLARS <br />on the first day of 19 , (unless this bond <br />be called for redemption prior to maturity as hereinafter pro- <br />vided) and to pay interest thereon from the date hereof until <br />the principal is paid, at the rate of per cent <br />) per annum, payable on the first days of April and <br />October of each year, beginning on October 1, 1954, upon pre- <br />sentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally <br />become due. <br />Both principal and interest of this bond are payable in lawful <br />money of the United States of America at the First Bank and <br />Trust Company of South Bend, in the City of South Bend, Indiana, <br />or, at the option of the holder, at the Harris Trust and Savings <br />Bank, in the City of Chicago, Illinois. <br />This bond is one of an authorized issue of Eight Thousand Five <br />Hundred (8,500) bonds of the City of South Bend, of like date, <br />tenor and effect, except as to numbering, interest rate, and <br />dates of maturity, in the total amount of Eight Million Five <br />Hundred Thousand Dollars ($8,500 000.00), numbered from One (1) <br />to Eight Thousand Five Hundred (,500) inclusive, issued for <br />the purpose of providing funds to pay the cost of sewage treat- <br />ment works, as authorized by an Ordinance adopted by the Common <br />Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, on the <br />day of 1 1954, entitled 11 An Ordinance con- <br />cerning the construction and operation by the City of South Bend, <br />Indiana, of sewage treatment works, the issuance of revenue bonds <br />to provide the cost thereof, the collection, segregation and <br />distribution of the revenues of said works, the safeguarding of <br />the interests of the holders of said bonds, and other matters <br />connected therewith," and in strict compliance with the provisions <br />of Chapter 61 of the Acts of the Indiana General Assembly for <br />the year 1932 (Special Session) and the acts amendatory thereof <br />and supplemental thereto. <br />7 <br />